keyser blogs

For you....
Although it's almost certain no one is gonna read this, I thought I'd post the disgustingly perverted thoughts that went through my mind last night as I stroked on cam for a very special person...she knows who she is :) Random images flicker through my mind......... Meeting you in a hotel bar, you're wearing a tight-fitting revealing dress, lots of cleavage showing. A hug... Drinks, chatting, flirting...touching... I take you by the hand to my room... We kiss...delicious...passionate...warm tingling all over... Breathing heavily...I undo the back of your dress, it falls to the're standing there in ur sexy lingerie... Urgently, you help me take off my clothes...naked now in front of you...I undo your bra...sucking nipples...fondling...feeling your arse... On the bed now...more fingers pulling your panties to one side...a finger in your wet pussy...then two...exploring...probing...flicking your clit... Hard cock...your hand gripping...stroking...making it harder than ever before...feeling like it's gonna explode... Your lips envelope it...sweet tongue licking...mouth moving up and tumbling over my chest... Lying're on top of me, riding me...controlling the pleasure...I am helpless as you take me...faster and more urgent now...we can't stop... Bodies melding as one...animal rhythm in tune with each other...nothing else matters except this moment... Explosions in my head...the look of your face in ecstacy...trembling bodies...arching...cumming... Holding you in the afterglow...sweet kisses... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
One question....
Does anyone still read blogs?
useless videos and photos
Just to say that I have taken down all my useless and unwatched videos and photos, they were just wasting space on the yuvutu server. I could explain why I've done this but no doubt I'd be accused of whingeing (again). No one was interested (apart from one person who put one of videos as her favourite) and apparently all I'm good for is a laugh and a joke online, nothing sexual at all. I'm not surprised really.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Except in my case.
Greetings, O my brothers. Just to skazat that I am feeling a lomtick unloved by certain chellovecks in the chat room at the moment so I am ittying to try and, like, itty off on my oddy knocky for a malenky lomtick till I feel like returning. I hope you won't miss your droog too much. And all that cal.
this place would be great if it weren't for the people :P
You'll never stop a troll in yuvutu...

This website's a haven for people in heat
For sexual kicks it cannot be beat
The chat room language turns the air blue
But you'll never stop a troll in yuvutu...

They wander in with their cocks out on show
Their webcam's broke so we'll never know
The length of their member, all shrivelled it's true
But you'll never stop a troll in yuvutu...

They plead for the women to show all their bits
They love to wank off at the sight of some tits
Their cock isn't firm although half-mast will do
But you'll never stop a troll in yuvutu...

Blocked and insulted, they still make their noise
They're desperate to score, and boys will be boys
Annoying all the women in search of a screw
But you'll never stop a troll in yuvutu...

No you won't prevent this particular kind
Of mo_ron from showing his base little mind
You can ignore him of course but here is a clue
You'll never ever stop a troll in yuvutu...


As I haven't blogged for a while now, I thought I'd return with a humdinger! Please let me know your comments.....

I've been visiting now for a year, made a lot of friends (and no doubt a few enemies!)

However, I'd like to know if it's wrong to:

1) Be angry at an online friend who 'promised' to meet me for a naughty time together, then apparently changed her (yes, it IS a 'her' LOL) mind without telling me? I'm not surprised just disappointed. I mean, did I ever really think anyone would be sexually interested in someone with a body and face like mine? No, not really - certainly not on a site like this where the only thing that really counts is having a big cock and a cute bum. I think it's the fact that I allowed myself to be led on so much and for so long that makes me sad and angry. If the truth be told though, I think I've had a lucky escape! But it still bugs me that I was duped so easily, especially as I have used chatrooms for over 10 years. I should have known better!

2) Practically convince people to look at me on my cam? I generally put my cam on each time I visit the chatroom, which considering I am physically handicapped takes a great deal of courage because I know from previous experience it opens myself up to abuse and ridicule. So mentally I get annoyed when my so-called friends don't even bother to look at me on cam. There are only two people I know that I can rely on 100% to put my cam on without fail, and they are Ex325i and Curvn. With everyone else, it seems to be hit-and-miss or relevant to the time of day, i.e. in the afternoon when not many people are on I get more people looking. In the nighttime, when the sexual shennanigans are kicking off, then surprise surprise I hardly ever get docked! OK you can say this is a sex site so I should live with it, or that people are fully docked - and you'd probably be right. But I can't help the way I feel, I guess I just want to be like everyone else. I seem to have ended up like some sort of punk diva jester-type character instead, giving everyone a laugh and a joke. That's great, I am sure people love me for that...

3) Be jealous of other men who seem to get more attention from women just because of their physical attributes? Just because a man has a big cock doesn't mean he can hold a conversation. But time and time again I see certain women chatting practically non-stop with these men whilst drooling over them on cam. Again, I know this is a sex site but come on, once you've seen one cock you've (almost) seen them all - though how many women can say they've seen a tiny and bent one belonging to a disabled person? :) But I've had times when I've been in chat and no one has said a word to me for 30 minutes because some 'Adonis' has been showing his bottom on cam, or the infamous 'shower cam'. How can I compete with that?

4) Be so desensitized to sexual imagery that it's difficult to find anything exciting anymore? I have definitely found that since I've been looking on this site, my threshold level has gone up, I need more 'exotic' porn to get a hard on. Just looking at a woman showing her pussy on cam doesn't do it for me anymore. Even when I manage to find a women looking at me showing on cam (just looking though... Cybering? Forget it!) it's not that exciting nowadays. It's ironic that the only woman that REALLY excites me and can make me cum hard, she never appears on cam and has audio only.

5) Wake up in the middle of the night thinking about chatrooms? I find myself increasingly thinking about the people in chat more and more, texting them, e-mailing them, etc. to the extent that it's invading my 'real' life too much. Does it really matter if someone ignores me in chat and if so, why do I get upset about it so much? If someone says the wrong thing to me, why do I take it to heart so much? It's like chat is somehow more real than real life! Or more important. When it's good, the chat is really good, exciting, sexually thrilling even - but there is a downside too, and that's what I hate. When I think of the amount of time I have spent in the chatroom it horrifies me!!! What a waste! I wish I had the willpower to just give up chat for good, but I know I haven't and can't do that. There must be something missing from my life and hopefully when I find out what it is I will be able to say goodbye to chat. My original goal when first coming into chat was to increase my self-esteem - and for a while early on that did happen. But now it seems to be worse than ever, as I've stated before I feel like I'm being made to feel second-best with no one taking an interest in me sexually. So each night I log off frustrated, angry, sad and disappointed - and that's not a good thing.

Thanks for listening to my 'diva' rant. That's if anybody bothered to read it.

Christmas? Bah, humbug...!


Shakespeare? Fuck 'im! It's mine, all mine!!!! :)

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.

Blog (Part 1)
What is this sudden penchant.....
Blog (Part 2)

.....for making a simple blog.....

Blog (Part 3)

over various separate postings.....

Blog (Part 4)

.....instead of just one?  ;-)

Thank you all my friends, I love you all!!!

A quick useless blog to say a very heartfelt and sincere 'thank you' to everyone who was worried or curious as to my recent absence. I'm sure it must have been very distressing for everyone to have to be in chat without me there to make everything OK and to entertain you all. I can't promise that i am back for good now but please do not fret, one day I will return full-time and make your dreams come true.

Just to annoy people, I will now pick out certain individuals to thank personally as I feel they exceeded others in their concern :)

To Ohio Couple: Thank you for the e-mail m8, it meant a lot to me. Sorry I didn't reply!

To Apple-Pie: Mwah and thank you for the only PM I received in the whole 3 weeks. If only I was well enough to cyber on cam....!

To Exwife, Scotslass, HotPolarBear and Yoda: Thank you for the text messages and jokes, they cheered me up. Even if they were all crap :)

To Max: Thank you for being you.

To everyone else who didn't know I'd gone: Sod off ;)

I must go now as I'm feeling very emotional and I am going to have a little cry to myself, it's all too much to be surrounded by such amazing, loving individuals such as yourselves. I feel privileged to know you all, you have all enriched my life in so many ways, some more than others, but I value your place in my life as much as one loves the sun in the sky, the rain on the sidewalk or the sight of a mother holding her newborn baby.

Thank you for being you.

This Poem Is Shit

Typed with one hand...oooer.

I know this poem is shit,
You don't have to tell me that.
I know this poem is shit,
The rhyming is convinced and flat.

I know this poem is shit,
If you judge it purely as art.
I know this poem is shit,
I expect you to tear it apart.

I know this poem is shit,
I did it just to spite you.
I know this poem is shit,
I'm sure it won't delight you.

I know this poem is shit,
A big pile of steaming dung.
I know this poem is shit,
And for this I should be hung.

I know this poem is shit,
But you know, I just don't care.
I know this poem is shit,
Of this I want you to be aware.

I know this poem is shit,
I just could not be arsed.
I know this poem is shit,
And it could well be my last.

So we know this poem is shit,
On that we can all agree.
But unless you beg me for more,
This is all you'll hear from me!

(from your old friend Keyser a.k.a. PickniChops)

Tasteful photos

Anyone that knows me may be interested to know that I've added some new photos to my profile. I think they show off my better side..... ;)

Enjoy and please leave a comment, good or bad - i don't care!

Another quote

“You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.”

Julie de Lespinasse (9 November 1732 – 23 May 1776)

For those who have loved and lost

It sounds harsh perhaps, letting go so completely of those in the past, but it’s not as if we pretend the relationship never happened. You learned and changed and grew in your old relationship — those experiences will always be with you, shaping who you will become.

(Mary D. Esselman and Elizabeth Ash Vélez, Love Poems for Real Life)

A balanced view of love! Discuss......

Falling in love has been greatly overrated. Falling in love consists of 45 percent fear of not being accepted and 45 percent manic hope that this time the fear will be put to shame, and a modest 10 percent frail awareness of the possibility of love.

I don’t fall in love anymore. Just like I don’t get the mumps.

(Peter Høeg, Smilla’s Sense of Snow)


I've come briefly out of retirement and, as befitting my punk personality, it ain't to post a lovey-dovey poem!

It's to express in verse my deep sadness that a chatroom friendship, which I thought would last for a long time, has ended (for me, anyway) in somewhat depressing circumstances. I guess it's a factor of the internet and Life in general that things happen that are out of our control and you just have to accept the consequences, no matter how much you want things to continue like they were before. I am sure the other person concerned will be absolutely mortified at this turn of events but I have decided to be pro-active for once in my life and stop waiting in the hope of a PM every so often, or a 'hello' in the chatroom followed by relative silence, etc. As the poem says, "A taste of honey is worse than none at all".....

I'm sure she will agree that our relationship will never be quite the same again and besides, I know she will survive without me as she has built up quite a little following of her own now!!! Quite rightly too, as she is a lovely, kind-hearted person who deserves a lot of love in her life and I am glad that she is now surrounded by people able to give her that affection.

I'm posting this blog just as a reminder to people that, even though you may be sure that your friendships on this site are solid and will last, there's always the chance that circumstances will put a spanner in the works and destroy your 'perfect' relationship. So beware and make the most of them while you can!!

Anyway, that's my little statement out of the way, it's out in the open and over with. I can now concentrate on trying desperately to keep my other internet relationships on an even keel, although with my warped personality I wouldn't be surprised if I have another "friendship over" poem to post in the near future! LoL


They say things don't really last forever
And that a change will come to us all.
But tell me, how was I supposed to know
That our friendship was heading for a fall?

When we first met my heart leapt for joy,
I'd found someone that made me feel so good.
Hours spent chatting and laughing as one,
The way two people drawn to each other should.

It seemed to me that a real purpose would be
To get to know this lady from a foreign land.
A solid bond to be forged over years to come;
But too soon I found we were building on sand.

For I see clearly now how fragile things were,
'Cos one little nudge was all it seemed to take
To bring everything crashing down around my head.
And your harsh words, how they made my heart break.

Your false accusation and your oh-so deaf ears
Still make me feel like crying, you know.
The moment where things turned sour for you
And left me in silence with nowhere to go.

No PMs, no whispers, no more cosy chats in MSN,
But you tell me that you'll still remain a friend.
Well, that's fine with me, I never wanted us to part,
Though the torture of seeing you in chat must end.

'Cos I can't bear your cold shoulder any more.
You give innocent excuses but still build a wall
And I hear the words of Smokey telling me that
"A taste of honey is worse than none at all."

So forgive me if I no longer plead or beg with you,
You've made your intentions clear to me and so
It's with a heavy heart I draw a veil across us.
Here ends my belief in love and my tale of woe.....

“I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.”
(Pietro Aretino: 20th April 1492 – 21st October 1556)

A Haiku

It is not easy
To write a poem using
Just seventeeen syll................


Those who hate fervently must once have loved deeply. Those who want to deny the world must once have embraced what they now set on fire.

Kurt Tucholsky: 'Dada' (20 July 1920)

General thoughts on the end of an era

This is just to let anyone who is still remotely interested in my ramblings know that, as from today, I'll be taking an indefinite break from posting any more blogs in yuvutu. I really enjoyed making up poems and little ditties but at least twice now my blogs have been either totally misinterpreted or misunderstood, which has caused me no end of grief. So the beneifits of posting are completely outweighed by the hassle and heartache I have received. No doubt you may all feel I am overreacting but I think it would be best if I just stayed quiet on the old blogging front for now!!! I am sure given my penchant for changing my mind and my unpredictability I will start posting again in the near future and resume my witterings.

Please don't ask me to go into details about the reasons behind this decision.

Thank you all for your kind comments on the majority of my blogs, you've been a wonderful audience!

It's been emotional.................... :)

Time Flies

The clock strikes 12...for the 12 times a minute that I think of you

The clock strikes 11...for the 11 times I've said, "I love you"

The clock strikes 10...for the 10 fingers that long to caress you

The clock strikes 9...for the 9 planets that will align if we ever got together

The clock strikes 8...for the 8 more minutes I beg you for at the end of our chats

The clock strikes 7...for the 7 days a week you are in my thoughts

The clock strikes 6...for the 6 wishes I would give to you if you were mine

The clock strikes 5...for the 5 poems I have written especially for you

The clock strikes 4...for the 4 aces I'm dealt cos I am lucky to know you

The clock strikes 3...for the 3-headed diamond ring I'd give to make you mine

The clock strikes 2...for the 2 times I've seen your beauty onscreen


The clock strikes 1...for the two of us becoming 1 in the future...

Treasure Chest

You found your way to my treasure chest
The chest opened...inside you discovered a jewelled box
The box found a locked small safe
The safe saw a magical parcel
The parcel unwrapped...behold a shiny metal tin can
The can peeled held a beautifully wrapped parcel
The parcel found a strange puzzle
The puzzle revealed a woman's name
The name was yours...
A name I hold so dear in my heart
I keep it safe and warm and out of danger

Unrequited Love

Someone, somewhere in summertime
Gives me feelings so sublime
Listen now, can you hear it not?
My heart beating with passion hot

Your tender beauty is there to see
Just one kiss would be ecstasy
My lips are waiting but do not touch
The miles between us are too much

My mind races with lust and desire
My body burns with a longing fire
To hold you in my arms once only
Will stop me belonging to the lonely

But as it's clear that you love another
Maybe this yearning of mine I should smother?
Strangle it at birth to save my pain?
Should I listen to my heart or my brain?

I cannot deny this attraction for you
My heart sings every time I see you anew
In the battle of reason versus rhyme
My longing for you wins every time

Showing On Cam

Oh those thoughts of desire
The passions that fuel the fire
Words that pass between us in trust
Sometimes laughter, sometimes lust

No lies told this time tonight
These feelings seem so right
No looking back, no regret
Sharing a bond neither will forget

We reveal ourselves to each other
And peek beneath the public cover
Naked truth bared for each to see
I show you how much you mean to me

Longing to hold each other near
A brief touch to overcome this fear
That one day it may soon all end
And our broken hearts will never mend

A Fantasy

It starts in the bar of the hotel with us having a few drinks. It's a great evening, you and I are getting on so well and laughing and joking and having a great time together. We are also flirting a lot and there's lots of 'accidental' touching and feeling and there are knowing glances between us. The time goes really quickly cos we are enjoying ourselves so much, and soon it's time for us to go up to our room. We enter into an elevator and whilst it is going upwards I take your hand and pull you towards me and gently kiss you on your lips, slowly, sensuously...... I slip my tongue into your mouth for the briefest of instances, I don't want to give you all of it just yet. The doors of the elevator open, and we walk out into the corridor and along to our room. Because of all the alcohol we've drunk, we are laughing and giggling as I open the door and we go into the bedroom. It's a lovely, beautifully decorated room, with a 4-poster bed in it's centre.

Without either of us saying anything, we climb onto the bed and lay down together. I look deeply into your eyes and I can see that you want things to go much, much further so I pull you close and kiss you, this time pressing my tongue deeply into your mouth, loving the taste of your tongue. My arms are wrapped around you and I caress your face and the back of your neck as we kiss. My heart is beating fast and my breaths are getting shorter. Your hand is feeling its way down my body, on my chest and then you finally place your hand on my hardened prick, and it feels sooooooo nice. As you rub your hand over it, our kissing becomes more intense. I look into your eyes and tell you that I want you and I want to go all the way. Without saying anything you sit up and take off your top and bra, and I see your naked breasts for the first time. I reach up and cup them in my hands, gently squeezing them and then I lick and suck on your nipples, making you groan softly with pleasure. After a while, I stop and undo my shirt and let you feel my chest, whilst I remove your skirt, and now you're almost naked. I slowly take down your knickers - all the while looking up at you.  You fumble at my trousers, fumble because you urgently want my cock in your mouth. I help you and in a moment my hard prick is exposed to you, and I lie back and feel you kissing my chest, then working your way down. I close my eyes in delight as I feel your wet lips on my cock, your tongue licking the tip and shaft, and suddenly you take me all the way into your mouth. The feeling is almost unbearable as you move your head up and down, my hands gently caressing your hair as you suck greedily on my cock. I can't stand it much longer, I feel I am about to explode, so I tell you to stop and lie back on the bed. As you do so, I move down and you open your legs wide to allow me to lick your wet pussy. First working on your pussy lips, then I gently, so gently, suck on your clit, licking it, kissing it, exciting you and making you shiver, wave after wave of pleasure goes through your body. You taste divine, your love juices are flowing all over my lips and tongue.  I can feel your hips rising and falling, and there is an almost serene look of ecstasy on your face.....

After what seems like an eternity, you tell me that you want me inside you - so I stop and lie back on the bed, and you straddle me. My cock slips easily into you, you are so wet, you want me so badly. You move back and forth, slowly at first, and I reach up and draw you close and kiss you. Moving faster now, I can feel I am about to cum, cum harder than I have ever done before. I am almost at the edge, again I tell you I want you so much, I want to cum in you. Your muscles are making my cock quiver and then I cum and cum and cum inside you, filling you with my liquid love. At the same time, I can feel you cumming as well, your spasms make my orgasm soooooo much more intense than ever before. All the time we have been looking into each other's faces, our souls connected in that brief moment.

Spent, I hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me, and we talk until we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Then in the morning we do it all over again  ;-)


Let's you be all you can be
Allows feelings to run free
Shows the world your inner side
Takes emotions for a ride

Be a winner
Act like a sinner
Video shows
Bodies in pose

And I have no agenda
Give in and surrender
Sit down and watch it all, baby

Don't worry too much, honey
It's free, don't need no money
Better than porn - well, maybe

Stay up till morning
See a new day dawning
Where did the time go
When you decided to show?
Images on a screen
Look like a porn movie scene
Join up with me and cyber
Want you with every fibre
Even though we cannot feel
And none of it is for real


A stream of consciousness (yes i DO know what it is!)............

Why is it that site like this can throw up such good friendships in a chatroom? Because people are people, no matter what the reason for logging on is. But the cruel nature of time is that things change, and no matter how well you get to know someone on here, circumstances will change and then you have to let them go - even if it hurts so much inside, even if you know your world will be less without them in it, even if it means empty hours for you. Never having actually met someone for real doesn't take away how much they mean to you. You can spend hours and hours chatting to someone, learning all about them, sympathising with them, laughing with them, yes even cybering with them, and they will seem so much more than just a name or image on a screen. And in the blink of an eye it can all end - because everyone has their own lives to lead. It's just that some have more active lives than others...


I hate this site! :(

When We're Dancing

When I'm dancing
With you out on the floor
We're romancing (baby, baby)
And you tell me that you want more
I don't care if it's rain or shine
'Cos everything has turned out fine
When we're dancing

   Dancing on the floor just with you
   Is the best thing that I can do
   Have your body so close to mine
   Oh, it just makes me feel so fine

When I'm moving
With you out on the floor
We're just grooving (baby, baby)
I know what your sweet love is for
Looking deep into your eyes now
Always makes my poor heart go 'wow!'
When we're moving

   Dancing on the floor just with you
   Is the best thing that I can do
   Have your body so close to mine
   Oh, it just makes me feel so fine

When I'm bopping
With you out on the floor
There's no stopping (baby, baby)
I wanna touch you more and more
Make you mine, never let you go
I love you more than you could know
When we're bopping

   Dancing on the floor just with you
   Is the best thing that I can do
   Have your body so close to mine
   Oh, it just makes me feel so fine


To be sung to the tune of "The Toreadors" by Bizet...dum de de dum dum, dum de dum de dum, dum dum de dum, dum dum de dum, deeeee dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum de dum de dum.....!

When I was younger, my Dad said to me
"Now listen here,
Son, you will see
That there are girls all over the place
And soon you will face
The question of whether or not
To tie the knot
Or just keep getting laid

So off I went to think about my plight
Would I be wrong
To shag all night
With loose women with no dignity
And no humanity?
My hormones were a rage
It must have been my age
I looked around, dismayed

Where would I find a nice young girl to wed
One that just won't
Jump into bed
It's not easy searching for a pin
In a haystack of sin
But one day I just might
Find someone who is right
And for whom I am made

At the start of the game
We set our pieces on the board
Laid out on opposing sides
The first move is made
A pawn is pushed forward
A Queen's gambit
The battle begins
Knights jump
Kings castle
An even contest
But then
A sacrifice is made
I look down at the board and see
You've captured my heart
I'm in checkmate
Small Fry

Directly inspired by something a friend said to me....!

Life's not that much fun
When you've got a little cock
Showing on cam is a no-no
To see it no one will dock

If you ever get a woman
To open up your flies
And out pops your todger
She won't believe her eyes

"That's poor" she'll say
"It's just a tiny worm"
"But wait a while" you cry
"You'll like it when it's firm"

So you begin to jerk it
And pump it for all its worth
But at the end of the day
It's just an object of mirth

You've tried all the ways
To make it longer and bigger
Though none of them have worked
You try new ones with vigour

Look on green with envy
At the other guys' big dicks
You wish it could be you
Who's making out with the chicks

But you're stuck home alone
Just you and your little friend
Though in your mind it's a monster
You kid yourself and pretend

So you resign yourself to your fate
Playing alone with your miniscule knob
Hoping that soon someone will come
And give your willy a perfect blow job

For it's not much fun, you know
If you've got a little cock
Well, I say "Fuck it all"
And do the pogo to some Punk Rock

A Doomed Love Affair

Oh this one is dark, so very dark... Written for a truly special girl that I knew from another chatroom, she would have been 'the one' if my life had been different. The poem reminds me of a week we spent together which I will treasure always, even though thinking about it makes me sad as well. The one that got away... :(

You're the only one for me
A reason for me to exist
A dream lover that can never be
A soulmate who I never kissed

I can feel it all sliding away
The words I speak are of no use
A fantasy that's dying anyway
I'm standing with my neck in the noose

And all it takes for me to die
Is being born into this world of pain
I lie here and look into your eyes
And I can feel a love that's in vain.....

   Cos you want my body and soul
   Well you got one for eternity
   This shell just covers the hole
   Of a heart broken in three.....

Trapped inside a useless cage
You want me to fly but I can't walk
Sitting alone weeping tears of rage
So mad at myself I can barely talk

And I know I should let you go
Let you live your life to the max
But my selfish thoughts are so
That I wanna ignore all the facts

And follow an impossible dream
Leave this place and be with you
If you were here I'd almost seem
Like everyone else that you knew.....

   Cos you want my body and soul
   Well you got one for eternity
   This shell just covers the hole
   Of a heart broken in three.....

When you came into my existence
And I wanted you oh so badly
Your heart put up no resistance
How I fell in love with you madly

And this rose-coloured affair
Seemed like all I ever needed
Words of love flying through the air
Warning signs that went unheeded

I can't tell you the way I feel
Alone here in my bed
In my heart nothing's gonna heal
Maybe I’d be better off dead.....

Where'd her leg Go?

This is definitely not about anyone famous. Honestly. That's what my lawyers have told me to say, anyway. Now normally I wouldn't dream of making fun of someone's disability (except my own, of course) but in this case I am willing to make an exception ;)

Oh where'd her leg go?
It's a mystery
Oh where'd her leg go?
Showbiz history
But where'd her leg go?
Oh I just don't know
Oh where'd her leg go?
No more knee or toe

She's a model and a dream for all young men
Until she crossed the road, for what happened then?
A funny little cop on a motorbike
He ran into her, what an unlucky strike

She's a plucky little girl with a big-town streak
Hopping around, it won't make her weak
Set her sights on getting a celebrity
She's gonna succeeed through adversity

But where'd her leg go?
It's a mystery
Oh where'd her leg go?
Showbiz history
But where'd her leg go?
Oh I just don't know
Oh where'd her leg go?
No more knee or toe

Married a man almost twice her age
The wedding of the year on the front page
Didn't last long now give her the cash
Kinda serves him right for being so rash

Now she's on her own and hated so much
But she just don't care as she leans on her crutch
A gold-digger yes but more than this
She's the villain that we love to boo and hiss

But where'd her leg go?
It's a mystery
Oh where'd her leg go?
Showbiz history
But where'd her leg go?
Oh I just don't know
Oh where'd her leg go?
No more knee or toe

Mystery Dance

A prose style this time  with a naughty subject. My irrepressible humour couldn't resist putting in the "spurting and squirting" line! Hope you enjoy it (and the poem).

An embrace and kiss

Prelude to the act

The mystery dance begins

Bodies form curves and angles

Moving intertwined

Thoughts unsure and blurred

Breaths of fire and desire

Deeper now, a submission

Giving in to that feeling

Animal lust takes over

Carnal words tumble out

Uncovered emotions to the fore

A physical tango for two

As the climax approaches

No stopping until the release

Spurting and squirting

A passion given in liquid form

Bodies sweat-covered and spent

Now the dance is over

Lie back and take your bows

Another performance over

Let Me Be The One

I worte this in response to a request by a really lovely girl, someone who has always been very pleasant and kind to me, she's looks fantastic and has a great personality too. I don't know her half as well as I would like but i really wanted to make this poem reflect how much I think of her.

I hope she likes it....

Let me be the one
And we'll drift together on moonbeams
Float down those crystal clear river streams

Let me be the one
And we'll climb a high candy mountain
Drink champagne out of a gold fountain

Let me be the one
And we'll smell fresh-baked bread all year round
Look on as majestic Kings are crowned

Let me be the one
And we'll walk hand in hand down gold streets
Hear a baby's pure heart as it beats

Let me be the one
And we'll lie on a bed of p*tals
Seek out treasure made of strange metals

Let me be the one
And we'll ride high on a dragon's back
Look on as Elvish armies attack

Let me be the one
And we'll hide behind a waterfall
Listen to nightingale's sing their call

Let me be the one
And we'll travel by rocket to Mars
Weaving our way through the bright night stars

Let me be the one
And we'll look out on a sea of fire
Do whatever your heart does desire

Yes, we'd do all this and more
'Cos you are all I care for
Seasons come and seasons go
I will wait for you to show
That you think I am the one
Then I'll know Life has begun.....

City Drone

Seeing as every Tom, Dick & Harry is trying his hand at this poetry lark, I figured I'd better start coming out with the big guns now to stay ahead of the pack! This little beauty came fully formed to me one afternoon. I hope it won't be too scary for Max..... LOL

I see the poem as an examination of the human condition, faced with the bleak realisation of an inconsequential existence in this vast cosmic universe - but you might just see it as a load of old crap! :)

Up with the dawn
Dressed in five minutes flat
Toast for breakfast
Leave some food for the cat

Run to the Tube
Lunchbox clutched in your hand
Staring at space
Thinking of a distant land

Arrive at work
Another daily grind
Work your arse off
But don't engage your mind

Return back home
TV dinner for one
Watching the box
Is your idea of fun

No one to love
Who'd want someone like you?
Put your feet up
Don't make yourself feel too blue

Boil the kettle
Have a nice cup of tea
Stroke your black cat
Might be lucky, you see

Turn the light out
Climb the stairs to your bed
Close weary eyes
Dream of the day ahead.....

Killer In The Shadows

I wasn't happy with this poetic 'outtake' but thought I'd post it anyway in the interests of completeness. I wanted a twist at the end but didn't really carry it through successfully. But hey, I can't be a genius ALL the time, can I?!!!

I'll be waiting in the shadows
Look over your shoulder, I'm not there
Walking down the street on your own
Are you're ready for my love affair?

Creep up on you when you don't know
I'm a silent terror, oh yes
No warning I just attack at will
Leaving you in a state of distress

Try to run, I'll always catch you
'Cos I can move faster and quicker
You're all my potential victims
Stop your heartbeat in just a flicker

I'm everywhere and yet nowhere
Did you think you could ever escape?
I can change the way I appear
And too late you see my altered shape

When I catch you then you will see
That to 'LIE' (for yes, that is my name)
Is a dangerous thing to do
Do you really want to play that game?

Once I have my claws in your head
My words will be the ones you heard
Lies easily spew from your mouth
In this theatre of the absurd

Broken Connection

Why can't I connect with you?
Like a loose wire in a hi-fi
Doesn't seem to matter what I do
I always end up making you cry

Words that we say don't make sense
They never express how we feel
Both us just sitting on the fence
Afraid to make the hurting real

Day after day, the same old grind
Habits formed, so hard to break
I try to speak but what do I find?
No words just a sound I make

Someday I'll find a way to say
The way I feel about my love inside
But until then it will have to stay
Locked inside me, bound and tied

A Certain Lady

I log on in the usual way
My eyes scan the list of peeps
If she's there then I know I will stay
'Cos I really love her heaps

Her long blonde hair cascades down her neck
And hazel eyes pierce my soul
Looking at her breasts leaves me a wreck
But my cock a rampant pole!

Everyone wants to know her well
They all want her ear to bend
But she will only reveal and tell
To those she'd call a good friend

Of course it's not that simple to be
As good-looking as she is
The trolls come down from out of their tree
Searching for the sexual biz

But rudeness she really doesn't like
A swift rebuke will follow
The block button means"Perv, take a hike"
Her pride she will not swallow

On top of beauty, she has a brain
This woman, she has it all
I just don't know how she stands the strain
Never seems to drop the ball

Deep inside she has a loving heart
One that I'd like to make mine
But I know Cupid won't shoot his dart
So go and leave me to pine...

Sex Story

As it seems the whole world is now writing erotic 'stories' on here, I thought I would post my own superb tale.... Enjoy :)

We met.

We came.

We left.

I'm So Bored With The Yuvutu Trolls

You come online with your dick in your hand
Dictate to every girl
Shouting out loud your wants and demands
Makes me want to hurl

Think you're so clever, egotistical scum
"Look at me! Look at me!"
Your little worm doesn't make you a man
And girls don't wanna see

Tact just isn't in your personality
You come straight out with it
No time for chit-chat, no messing around
Keep on 'til you see tit

And then you start with your private IM's
How can the girls resist?
Anonymous lust from a sad stranger
So why the girls get pissed?

You don't understand, you're a hunk of a man
A fine catch, that's for sure
One day you'll discover the reason why
You're being shown the door

So take your bad manners and your rudeness
Go away, leave us be
We don't need your ignorant behaviour
Don't want you 'round near me

Kenny Royce

Kenny Royce is a real nutcase
Kenny Royce has it in for me
Kenny Royce knows what's going down
And who's who in the centre of town

Kenny Royce thinks he has it all
Kenny Royce doesn't care one bit
Kenny Royce makes me want to swear
He says he's gonna get somewhere

Kenny Royce is getting on my nerves
Kenny Royce says nothing to me
Kenny Royce is a drop in the ocean
His ordered life poetry in motion

Kenny Royce is fucking ambitious
Kenny Royce wants to get to the top
Kenny Royce's face is an awful sight
But he says things that are so polite

Kenny Royce says he'll make it someday
Kenny Royce thinks he'll be the man
Kenny Royce is a real arsehole
And he's sure to end up on the dole

Kenny Royce speaks of fantastic things
Kenny Royce goes on and on and on
Kenny Royce is a funny little geezer
Chop him up and stuff him in the freezer

Kenny Royce, stop talking to me please
Kenny Royce can make you wish you were dead
Kenny Royce drives a brand new car around
Always thinking 'bout something profound

Kenny Royce is just so unbelieveable
Kenny Royce only exists in my head
Kenny Royce is a stereo-type cliche
Kenny Royce oh yeah he's okay!

Control Freak

This is just a poem - it doesn't necessarily reflect how I feel about things!!! ;)

Don't you mess me around
Or I will end up seeing red
Use an old tin opener
To undo what's left in your head

Don't you give me no lip
Or I'll grab it and pull it out
Make you wish for mercy
Of that there is surely no doubt

Don't you cheat on me, girl
Or I'll beat you into next week
Turn your pretty features
Into next year's worn out antique

Don't you go out alone
Or I'll find you, drag you back home
One thing you haven't got
And that's my permission to roam

Don't you push me too far
Or it will be quite bad for your health
Show you how to behave
And your need to control yourself

Don't you start to believe
All those crazy thoughts in your mind
The ones that tell you that
you could ever leave me behind...

Girls I Have Known

Unfortunately none of this is grounded in reality, with the exception of one verse - a prize of an extended snog with me to anyone FEMALE (thought I'd better say that before Yoda enters!) who guesses the name of the real female involved. :) How could you resist a prize like that? :)

There was captivating Susie
Who was really rather choosey
She looked me up and down and said, "Oh dear"
But ravishing Petula knew
How the bulge in my trousers grew
Every time she got that little bit near

Brown-eyed Rita was a lovely senorita
For warmth she was better than a heater
I'd hold her close to me throughout the night
And when the warmer days arrived
Passionate Judy I survived
Though she wanted me wrapped up tight

Then next came straight-talking Brenda
Turned me into a big-spender
And left me without a penny to spend
One of the best was little Jane
When we broke up there was no pain
And to this day she's  still my good friend

There was fornicating Ava
Who was such a little raver
In bed she was a handful that's for sure
But for the loving and the teasing
No one beat young Janey's pleasing
She was hotter than a threepenny whore!

Well my favourite was Joanna
Played my body like a piano
Ran her fingers up and down my flesh keyboard
Honky tonk tunes and the sad old blues
Oh yes she surely had the muse
And when she hit C sharp my mind it soared!


Anyone who knows me will realise who this effort is about.... :)

I would walk through fire to capture your heart
Sail the seven seas with a vast fleet of ships
Brave the perils of flood, flash and fire
Just for one kiss of your ruby-red lips

I would march right up to the gates of Hell
Dodging flaming rocks and lightning flashes
My skin would blister and my insides burn
No pain when you flutter your eyelashes

Climb high mountains and swim the longest lake
Count an hour-glass of sand with time to spare
Ride a wild bronco, kill a rattling snake
All this to run my fingers through your hair

Hack my way home to you through dense jungle
Travel on the shuttle to outer space
Go around the world in twenty-two days
Come back to look at your beautiful face

All these things I would do, yes just for you
Sure as chalk is white and beaches sandy
No woman can replace your loving gaze
You are forever my little Candi... xxxxxxxxxx


I see you all over town
Dressed in your cheap market clothes
You're pushing your weight around
Accent that everyone loathes

You are common as muck, girl
And you ain't going nowhere
Got a baby on the way
But you're way too drunk to care

Don't know who the father is
Could be Trev, Baz, Pete or Stu
Those quickies behind the pub
That now come back to haunt you

And you won't be able to cope
A baby and gin don't mix
But the free cash from the dole
Prevents you from turning tricks

Now you're living day by day
All your dreams gone up in smoke
40 a day and the drink
Leave your body torn and broke

You look at me with pale eyes
The ones that see right through me
Do you recall a time when
you were happy and carefree?

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
Go the hands on my lifetime clock
Passing time with nothing to do
Tell me, is it the same for you?

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
I'm looking back and taking stock
Empty days and this lonely night
Long tunnel with no end in sight

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
How can I get rid of this rock?
The one that weighs me down so much
I'm aching for a woman's touch

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
Then thoughts in my brain start to flock
together and bring me to life
The way out is to find...a wife!


Look out girls, it could be you!!!! :)

  •  keyser
  • Intereses:
  • Plucking pheasants
  • Sexo
  • Hombre
  • Ocupación:
  • Pleasant pheasant plucker
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • 1964
  • Grupo étnico:
  • Blanco
  • Estado civil:
  • Solo
  • Sexualidad:
  • Hetero
  • Tabaco:
  • No
  • Altura:
  • > 7 ft
  • Complexión:
  • Degalda
  • Detalles sexuales:
  • Pequeno
  • Formación:
  • Escuela
  • Nacionalidad:
  • United Kingdom
  • País de residencia:
  • United Kingdom
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • Municipio:
  • Se ha añadido una cita:
  • 2008-02-11
  • Última visita:
  • Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos:
  • Si
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