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  United States
  • 8inchfun

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Ninguno hasta el momento.

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Ninguno hasta el momento.

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I have been on here for just over a year and have met some very interesting people..  I have also made alot of good friends.   You may think this is only a chat site, I have been able to blow of steam and have LOTS of laughs with a bunch of you..  I hate to mention names cause I know I'll end up leaving someone out but here goes.....              Ladies first.......... Xfactordds,NOTH, SDS, Exwife, Hotpolarbear, Melissa, Truday, starfucker, dirtybigirl, Janey50, maxther, Dilli , I have had a lot of good times and laughs with you Thank you!!!!                      ok Guys now... Billy, Jasonbraz, BMW, trust, yoda, Mr xfactor, Tattoo, damn we have had some good laughs.... thank you!!!

So I guess this is my goodbye from the site,  I have a baby on the way and want to end this on a good note... you all take good care, have lots of laughs, lots of fun, and tons of sexx...LOL... I know that just made at least one person smile.... and by the way if you ever see a nic by the name of  pirate4booty  thats me checkin in on ya... Im gonna miss you ALL....

laylam14670 said:
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laylam14670 said:
Hi, add Susan97 to your friends on:
billy-melissa said:
Hope all is good with you two.
miss_you_all said:
Miss you! This is dirtybigirl btw. Had to leave as my hub and I were
fighting too much over the site. Just checking in on everyone.
Congrats on the baby coming! It's really been a pleasure getting
to know you!
lokisima said:
you have a nice body and tattos!! bye bye
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  • wetpus
  •   United States
      53 años
  • daddysslut
  •   United States
      42 años
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