Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.
biguy69er info personal
- Ocupación:
- Intereses: sex
- Sexo: Hombre
- Fecha de nacimiento: Marcha 1975
- Grupo étnico: Blanco
- Estado civil: Relación ocasional
- Sexualidad: Bi
- Tabaco: No
- Altura: 170 cm 5 ft 7 in
- Complexión: Normal
biguy69er vídeos
biguy69er fotos
biguy69er blogs
arya4005 said:
Hi, add Maria86 to your friends on the site:
oralalan said:
you are straight and I am a guy, but also in Edmonton, I would
like to make a series of videos. Me practicing, starting with 2
straight guys, then 4, then doing parties, like for halloween,
Christmas and new year. Just a thought I don't want to be
touched, just to be a pleasure guy, learning to be used and abused ina
series of videos.
like to make a series of videos. Me practicing, starting with 2
straight guys, then 4, then doing parties, like for halloween,
Christmas and new year. Just a thought I don't want to be
touched, just to be a pleasure guy, learning to be used and abused ina
series of videos.
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