ferguslany info personal

  United Kingdom
  • ferguslany

  • Ocupación:
  • Intereses:
  • Sexo: Hombre
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Grupo étnico: Blanco
  • Estado civil: Relación monógama
  • Sexualidad: Hetero
  • Tabaco: No
  • Altura:
  • Complexión: Normal
  • Detalles sexuales: Medio
  • Formación:
  • Nacionalidad: United Kingdom
  • País de residencia: United Kingdom
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • Municipio:
  • Se ha añadido una cita: 2007-04-17
  • Última visita: Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos: No


Enjoy chatting with friends male and female, playing on cam or watching cams or maybe both. No pressure, no demands, just enjoy it!

ferguslany vídeos

Ninguno hasta el momento.

ferguslany fotos

Ninguno hasta el momento.

ferguslany blogs

My Videos

I've never bothered to write a blog before but since I'm starting to upload a few videos I thought it might be a good idea. I have quite a few cumshots to convert from old video tapes, as well as a one or two moments with my last girlfriend, but Id like to film a few more soon.

I'm quite often on yahoo - my ID is the same as my name in yuvutu - so feel free to say hello anytime. I enjoy chatting with ladies or guys. Im straight but fairly open to most conversations.

My first video was just a snatched moment on the webcam. I had a request to pee for someone, and couldnt really do it without getting hard! The second was when I was watching Yuvutu vids. I had been playing for hours and my balls were starting to hurt. Suddenly I realised I was dripping precum everywhere - something which doesnt happen often at all - and is usually a precurser to a big cum. I grabbed the webcam and dashed to the bathroom. Just made it in time too . . .

Ninguno hasta el momento.
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  • camyh311
  •   United States
      59 años
  • spritzing
  •   United States
      63 años
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