foxy80 info personal

  United Kingdom
  • foxy80

  • Ocupación:
  • Intereses: sex
  • Sexo: Mujer
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Grupo étnico: Blanco
  • Estado civil: Relación abierta
  • Sexualidad: Bi
  • Tabaco: No
  • Altura:
  • Complexión: Normal



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foxy80 blogs

have always bee shy

i have always been shy towards sex, i have now decided to explore myself.

i would love to hear from people who have 3somes, i am looking to especially hear from ladies who have done it  and for them to tell me what it was like.

mila9398 said:
Rate my naked photos, my blog:
the-chosen-one said:
Hi think its great that u have decided to explore urself. my first
threesome was nerve racking but youve just got to get stuck in ignore
any nerves and enjoy urself. dont forget to record it 4 us.
horny4more said:
hey hi in answer to you yes i have a few times.
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  • inno1
  •   United Kingdom
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