Hi, add Maria93 to your friends on the site: www.intimcontact.com?profilegaltboy
piperx75826 said:
Here she is: www%2exn----dtbbfdcwpd3a5d2c6a.xn--p1ai#usergaltboy
vladdtoo said:
How about giving us some photos of your wife's amazing areolas?
Please. Please. Please!
befree06 said:
very hot, thanks for sharing. just started getting fucked by the wife about a year ago. absolutely nothing like it in the world. would love share experiences
hhbanut said:
Wow! Now that is some hot and great stuff. I am with you on the not being gay but enjoying the strapon in the butt. An old female aquaintance of mine convinced me to try it once, all I can say is I envy you, and if your wife would ever want to do two guys at once feel free to ask. I also personally love the footwear selection for many of the strapon vids a lady in boots doing a guys butt, wow that just sends me over the top. I dont want to sound whiney here but the lighting is a little bit weak in many of the vids. I know the darker lighting allows for the anonymity desired should the camera happen to catch the face, but you can always hit delete should that happen and try again(now just think what fun that would be). Other than the lighting you guys are tops in my books, and thinking that it is going on in my neighbourhood is even more thrilling. Thanks to both of you,
fullfigurelover said:
Love your wife's body, especially her lovely ass. Love to see more of her. Love your work. Thanks
allplay said:
Any chance we can see the full strapon vid from the two of you in bed. Love her strapon over her undies! Please share. You two are awesome!
andyvegas007 said:
Write to us through private message ... thanks
jennx said:
hummm y love your video bizzzz
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