gibsons07 info personal

  United Kingdom
  • gibsons07

  • Ocupación:
  • Intereses:
  • Sexo: Hombre
  • Fecha de nacimiento: 1980
  • Grupo étnico: Blanco
  • Estado civil:
  • Sexualidad: Hetero
  • Tabaco: No
  • Altura:
  • Complexión: Degalda


June 2018 Its been a long time since I was last on here, Not sure if any of the old friends I made will still be around or not, but I thought I would come back and see how things go. Now being single I don't need to sneak around and keep this s

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  •   471
  •  15/09/16
  •  0%

gibsons07 blogs

the realisation

 I spent the day, thinking of you, wanting to be close to you, everytime i close my eyes I could imagine the touch of your body against mine, the sound of your voice and the way you look at me.  I check my inbox over and over incase you have sent me a message, anything makes me smile, even just a Hi.

refresh....nothing......refresh......nothing....refresh....1 new message

My heart races and I see your name in my inbox, I take a breath and click the message, my eyes scan the message quickly taking it all in, I smile as your words mean so much to me, I hit reply and tell you that I feel the same way, and that i hate that we can't be together.

I sometime wonder if you realise what you mean to me? and also what I really mean to you, we talk through email each message means more to me than the last.

Then I dawns on me, this is the internet, its not the real world and its possible these are just word that mean little more than what is written at the time.

I sit down and close my eyes, this time thoughts of your body against mine are gone, the sound of your voice or the feeling i get when you bite your lip and a distant memory, I suddenly feel alone, just me and my laptop alone.



angeliaw23 said:
I am looking for a man or couple for sexual entertainment. Follow me
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sweetpassion24 said:
I'm looking for a perverted guy for real sex. Follow me here and add me as a friend
arya7729 said:
18+ >>>>>
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  • fat_tosser
  •   United Kingdom
      57 años
  • just2vfy
  •   United States
      32 años
  • scotscpl14
  •   United Kingdom
      54 años
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