Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.
greatestbare info personal
United States
- Ocupación:
- Intereses: Spanking, Swinging, Masturbation
- Sexo: Pareja heterosexual
- Fecha de nacimiento: 1973
- Grupo étnico: Blanco
- Estado civil: Relación abierta
- Sexualidad: Hetero
- Tabaco: No
- Altura: 188 cm 6 ft 2 in
- Complexión: Degalda
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greatestbare blogs
greatestbare said:
Everyone, please comment if you like my wife's butt. She loves
compliments and would love to hear what you think about her ass.
Please let her know if you don't mind.
compliments and would love to hear what you think about her ass.
Please let her know if you don't mind.
greatestbare said:
Bob, you are welcome and thank you for complimenting my wife. Â
I'll see if we can get together some time. Â I like it that you
enjoy looking at my wife's ass. Â I'm sure you could
pleasure her and teach her a few things.
I'll see if we can get together some time. Â I like it that you
enjoy looking at my wife's ass. Â I'm sure you could
pleasure her and teach her a few things.
greatestbare said:
Bob, did you see the picture of her arse, the video, or both? ?Her
butt is smaller than that now. ?She has lost 40 pounds in the past 6
months. ?
butt is smaller than that now. ?She has lost 40 pounds in the past 6
months. ?
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- m4straponmommy
United StatesHetero51 años
- alicesix10
Italia32 años
- soooogooood
AotearoaBi76 años
- thegoodmans
United StatesHetero
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