Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.
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- Ocupación:
- Intereses:
- Sexo: Pareja heterosexual
- Fecha de nacimiento: Agosto 1974
- Grupo étnico: Blanco
- Estado civil: Relación monógama
- Sexualidad: Hetero
- Tabaco: Si
- Altura: 185 cm 6 ft 1 in
- Complexión: Degalda
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stefan-999 said:
Hello, we both enjoyed your videos very well! We haven't known at
all, that also in Turkey there are Swingers, also liking to show what
they do. We still wish both of you a lot of fun, nice greetings from
germany! Volker & Ina
all, that also in Turkey there are Swingers, also liking to show what
they do. We still wish both of you a lot of fun, nice greetings from
germany! Volker & Ina
customs_agent said:
kisaca HARIKASINIZ Mersindende bir arkadasimiz olsun derseniz beklerim... bol sikisli gunler... beklerim... bol sikisli gunler...
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