If you call her YOURS make sure you:
Put her first.
Give her attention.
Show her affection.
Keep your promises to her.
Don't ignore her.
Tell her the truth.
Make time for her.
Worship her.
Enjoy her.
Use her.
Make her laugh.
Wipe away her tears.
Hug her.
Nurture her.
Encourage her.
Push her limits.
Praise her.
Discipline her.
Please her.
Reassure her.
Beat her the way she likes it.
Beat her the way she needs it.
Own her.
Compliment her.
Love her.
Pleasure her.
Hold her hand.
Are available for her.
Support her.
Collar her.
Mark her.
Fuck her.
Make love to her.
Tell her she's a good girl.
Tell her you're proud of her.
Tell her she pleases you.
Tell her what you're thinking.
Keep her secrets.
Build her up.
Cook for her.
Wash her.
Give her a massage.
Open the door for her.
Don't let her get lost.
Don't forget her.
Spoil her.
Respect her.
Teach her.
Accept all of her personalities.
Pour wax on her.
Take care of yourself for her.
Better yourself for her.
Make decisions for her.
Monitor her progress.
Are consistent with her.
I know that every dynamic is different....and that is what makes this all so special......but if you make a commitment to take care of her and call her "YOURS" please be sure that you honor that responsibility by not becoming the person that ends up hurting or neglecting her
Copyright 2014 by Hemene_ashaya. All rights reserved
Update 9-9-14 Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this...love it...comment on it and not only understand but also appreciate the meaning behind it...