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If you want to own her, then understand that if you call her 'yours' you must...

 If you call her YOURS make sure you:

Put her first.
Give her attention.
Show her affection.
Keep your promises to her.
Don't ignore her.
Tell her the truth.
Make time for her.
Worship her.
Enjoy her.
Use her.
Make her laugh.
Wipe away her tears.
Hug her.
Nurture her.
Encourage her.
Push her limits.
Praise her.
Discipline her.
Please her.
Reassure her.
Beat her the way she likes it.
Beat her the way she needs it.
Own her.
Compliment her.
Love her.
Pleasure her.
Hold her hand.
Are available for her.
Support her.
Collar her.
Mark her.
Fuck her.
Make love to her.
Tell her she's a good girl.
Tell her you're proud of her.
Tell her she pleases you.
Tell her what you're thinking.
Keep her secrets.
Build her up.
Cook for her.
Wash her.
Give her a massage.
Open the door for her.
Don't let her get lost.
Don't forget her.
Spoil her.
Respect her.
Teach her.
Accept all of her personalities.
Pour wax on her.
Take care of yourself for her.
Better yourself for her.
Make decisions for her.
Monitor her progress.
Are consistent with her.

I know that every dynamic is different....and that is what makes this all so special......but if you make a commitment to take care of her and call her "YOURS" please be sure that you honor that responsibility by not becoming the person that ends up hurting or neglecting her

Copyright 2014 by Hemene_ashaya. All rights reserved

Update 9-9-14 Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this...love it...comment on it and not only understand but also appreciate the meaning behind it...

genius. this made a shot of sumthin run thru my blood and settle low in my belly


BDSM Acid Test Part 1

 The Acid Test

Test #1: When in doubt, throw it out! Don't waste your time with people that make you feel uncomfortable. Even if the guy was a real Dom, if his personality makes you feel uncomfortable, he's not going to be fun to play with.

Test #2: "You'd better call me Sir!" is the mating call of a HNG (Horny Net Geek) or control freak. Real Doms don't have to ask for titles or call themselves what they're not, they put in the time to earn them. Most real Doms will say things like "Please, call me Mike..."

Test #3: "I want you to take my collar before you play with me." This is another common demand of fakes, most often made by control freaks. They have to isolate you from other people and their advice, and sometimes a little ole "choke chain" is just the thing! Choke chains are worth less to a true Dominant than the metal required to make one.

Test #4: If you get an IM or email message that says something like "On your knees you [slave, slut, bitch, whore, etc.]" This person is an HNG (Horny Net Geek). Use some common sense here. Why waste time with somebody that's not even polite? There's a time and a place for these endearing terms, and it isn't online!

Test #5: "I don't have to answer that question!" or "It's not proper etiquette for you to ask a Master that." These are examples of some the dangerous lies that control freaks and snerts (Snot Nosed Egotistical Rude Trolls) use. This is the Acid test I personally think is the most important! A Dom had better be ready to at least try and answer every question you have, and honestly at that! It's literally your ass that's on the line! Never forget this!

Test #6: "It's my way or the highway!" or words to that effect, are the mating cry of the common control freak. Doms can have limits too, but it's your (the bottom/subs/slave) limits that count FIRST. Don't let any would-be "Dom" tell you differently. Don't let any of the wannabe subs tell you differently either. Where Male Dom/fem sub play is concerned, it's always lady's choice!

Test #7: Don't bother with online collars. Don't make decisions about a prospective partner based on his online play style. It's a very simple test if you think about it: Would a real-life Dominant waste much time on cyber sex and cyber domination? Please take my word for it; The answer is no. Forget it, once you've done the real thing, cyber is just too damn dull.

The BDSM Acid Test part 2

Test #8: Ask your prospect if he's ever made any mistakes during a scene. If he says "no," run for your life! If he says, "very rarely," at least be suspicious. Everyone makes mistakes, even if they are experienced and skilled. Sometimes submissives have limits they don't even know about, and even the most careful and skilled Dom in the world will trip over these occasionally. Remember, according to our good friends of the Christian faith, the last perfect guy to walk this planet got nailed to a tree for his trouble. So expect competence, but not miracles.

Test #9: "I'm a [bank president, captain of industry, combat photographer, self-made millionaire... yadda yadda yadda.]" Wouldn't it be nice to meet a rich Dom too? Sure it would! But use some common sense. How many captains of industry have hours to spend in a BDSM dating chat room? Also, think about this personality profile; If this super successful, always-in-control person is really into BDSM, he's likely a submissive!Worse yet, it could very likely mean he is a control freak. I have met a lot of submissives that fit this ambitious profile, but not one Dom yet!

Test #10: "I'm 33 years old, and I've been a Master for 15 years." Gimme a break! What are the odds? When you ask about a Dom's level of experience (and it's a good idea to do so) remember to do the math as well. 18-year-old boys don't care about the intricacies of BDSM; they want to get laid.Trust me on this one Ladies, and gentlemen, you wer all 18-year-old boys once! I personally believe that people do become what they are (be it gay, straight, Dom or sub) very early in life, but it takes maturity and training to be a Master. What are the odds a person became a Master when they were still using Clearasil?

Test #11: "I have three real-life collared slaves right now, but you can't talk to them." OK, when you consider the ratio and all, this sounds possible. What makes this an acid test failed (and failed miserably at that) is the last part. I have met couples (and even triads) that really were looking for an extra person to add to the mix. This is not uncommon at all in the scene. But these couples were looking together. If a "Dom" has anyone already collared to them, you probably ought to talk to her first!

Test #12: "I don't need safewords." Well of course he doesn't! If he said this he's likely a snert and therefore he's never really been in a scene! Of course he might be a predator too, and then he wouldn't need safewords either. Need I say more?

Test #13: "My slaves trust me to set their limits for them." If you hear a "Dom" say this it's most likely because these slaves only exist in his mind. Or worse still, his "slave" is simply the victim of spousal abuse. Even so-called TPE (Total Power Exchange) and other sorts of 24/7 (i.e. full time) BDSM relationships should involve careful and thorough negotiation.

Test #14: "I'm married, my wife can't know about us" If I have to explain this one to you, you've got problems. I know many who have played with many married submissives in their time, but only with the express permission (and more often than not, participation) of their husbands. Safe BDSM requires complete honesty. You can't build a good scene on lies. There are plenty of people that will be willing to tell you differently; but, please note, they will all turn out to be adulterers (and hence, liars) themselves.

Test #15: Ask about training (formal or informal) and education in BDSM safety. Educate yourself, well.You need to be aware enough to recognize that ignorance or indifference will kill you as you literally are trusting someone with your life. Make sure he's prepared to be proactive, and reactive. 

Test #16: Insert your own Acid Test here: You will learn much from your mistakes and missteps. If you form an online contact with a "Dom" that falls through, analyze why it fell through. Don't make the same mistakes twice if you can help it.

Dorothy Parker, born before her time, my hero
"Interview" 1954
"“The ladies men admire, I've heard,
Would shudder at a wicked word.
Their candle gives a single light,
They'd rather stay at home at night.
They do not keep awake 'till three,
Nor read erotic poetry.
They never sanction the impure,
Nor recognize an overture.
They shrink from powders and from paints...
So far I've had no complaints.”
― Dorothy Parker" i adore her!!!
bio from Goodreads.com
Dorothy Parker’s (1893-1963)biting wit made her a legend, but it also masked her lonely struggle with depression. A member of the Algonquin Round Table group of writers, she wrote criticism for Vogue,Vanity Fair, and later theNew Yorker. During the 1930s Parker moved to Hollywood, where she worked on such films as A Star Is Born, for which she won an Academy Award.
The most brilliant thing I've read recently. and it has no writer.

I told my therapist today that I will no longer be coming in at 1

I told her that I will write a book of short stories instead

a friend of mine is pregnant again. But this, as opposed to the other times,  she is keeping it.

I wish her well and i hope she doesn't get too fat.

Yogurt is the most comforting food to come out of the fridge.

Baked cheesy things are more comforting that non cheesy things. 

But cold, baked cheesy things are less comforting than cold creamy things

Barring frozen creamy things, which are not comforting at all. 

I am leaving tomorrow for the weekend with Mr. Silver. 

We are taking a trip, I hope we do not die, despite the fact that many people my age die,

as that would be rather unfortunate,  considering the facts that I am not old enough to die;

despite the fact taht many people my age die, and i know a fair number of them before they die, not after

and 2., I simply do not want to. It does not seem like any sort of fun, and i'm no fun hater. I am a fun digger. 

So please, join me in a toast, to short stories and long lives. 

I will now begin. 


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and let me know when you are usually on. Got stiff looking at your
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let's chat.
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