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lilahm06862 said:
Watch videos with hot girls 18+: www%2exn----dtbbfdcwpd3a5d2c6a.xn--p1ai#userluthertide
roadrunner120 said:
to hell with the jerks out their. I think your wife is hot and can't wait to see more of her. PLEASE continue to post. Michele if u read this just wanted u to know I love to jerk to u THANKS
luthertide said:
added a few more videos, and got a few more jerks posting comments...not sure it is worth the hassle
drbombay815 said:
It looks like she's loving every minute of it to me. Michele is hot
luthertide said:
It amazes me that some of you think she is not enjoying the douple team. Michele loves it rough and hard she is submissive and that is exactly how she likes it! Understand it might not be some of your likes but jeez...do you think everyone likes it the way you do?
roadking said:
omg...please post again...i love jerking it to your wife...what a great fuck she must be..oooh..i just came again...thanks
prophotog said:
To hell with a couple of idiots, your videos are short but sweet and I look forward to seeing them. Would really like to see anything you want to post. Thanks, prophotog
luthertide said:
took videos down because of the smart ass comments.
garynwendy2001 said:
would love to see more she has great tits and looks like skills to match
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