Todos los participantes ha superado la edad de 18 años.
mikej167 info personal
United Kingdom
- Ocupación:
- Intereses:
- Sexo: Hombre
- Fecha de nacimiento: Febrero 1970
- Grupo étnico: Blanco
- Estado civil: Relación monógama
- Sexualidad: Hetero
- Tabaco: No
- Altura:
- Complexión: Degalda
Nothing beats sex with my partner, but masturbation is an essential part of my sexual life that has always fascinated and enthralled me, and this is a great place to share some of my private videos with anyone who like to watch.
mikej167 vídeos
mikej167 fotos
mikej167 blogs
Sábado, 01 marzo 2014 @ 12:21
If you've seen any of my videos you know I love to masturbate to a really big orgasm. I also loving watching other people's masturbation videos, especially women. What I would really like to do some time this year is to find someone (preferably female or a couple, but could be male) who would like to make a mutual masturbation video together with me for posting on this site. If you think you might be interested, send me a private message and tell me about yourself and what you'd like to do. Look forward to hearing from you.
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