After a good shagging!

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These were taken straight after our first video, which will be here shortly! We have had a couple of suggestions for our next photosets, but are looking for lots more. How would you like to see us?? We are waiting!!
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Publicado por: daveynewt en el 2008-11-10 23:11:37
thats a fuckin nice pic
Publicado por: daveynewt en el 2008-11-10 23:12:56
look how wet you are id dive rite in
Publicado por: stu_uk en el 2008-11-11 04:10:00
mmmm well juiced thx for sharing xxxx
Publicado por: deweyget2 en el 2009-03-20 05:13:48
nice pics,the wet pussy is nice to view,and the others with women"s face berried in snatch,great stuff. what i would do,fuck that pussy even more,i love worked out wet pussy. :) I am not sure if my comments are getting through to people. I am a new"be" here so i hope you enjoy and receive these comments. thxs for the entertainment.
Publicado por: lucyz95419 en el 2019-03-20 01:43:36
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