iamalleycat blogs

just thinking out loud here...
So here I am.. a secret yuvutu user... Secret because I am a married white male. Been married for a long time. In a very 'vanilla' sexual relationship. Which I know.. can be a great thing!! And is... Don't get me wrong. But I have found myself, over the last couple of years, wanting to explore sexually. To explore more than the 'vanilla' flavor of sex I have with my wife. Yes... we have talked about it, extensively.... and she is just not interested at all. In fact, I would almost dare say that she thinks I am some kind of freak for wanting to do more than what we do... I don't know. Am I? lol.. I don't think so. And I am not so interested in being out there in the world being a big 'player'... I am certainly not about that. But I would so like to experience more with the right 1 or 2 people... Anybody get me?? lol. I like the online aspect of Yuvutu... because it gives me a chance to see and experience other things, as well as to have others watch me online... which I have discovered I like a lot. Well, I think that is a good spot to stop for now...
So what do others like?
In my first ever blog post, I talked about how I am a married man, married for a long time, and the fact that my hottie, although still very sexy to me is not very interested in sex anymore. When we do have it, its great. But that is something that happens once every 2 months or so. So here I am on yuvutu, and letting my curiosity get the better of me.. lol. I already knew that I have voyeur traits. I like to watch. But in the last few months here on the site I have figured out that I like to be watched by women too. also, At first it was embarrassing to me to be watched by guys on cam, but I then figured out that if they want to watch.. well whatever they like. I cant judge for sure. I have also figured out that I would like to try being directed. kind of like a dom/sub situation. So what are some of the things anyone else likes?? as I am exploring sexually, wondering what other women, and men like me are thinking.
my first blog.....
Well, I have never done a blog... so no clue what to do... lol... have read a few of the others here on yuvutu... I am told to just write what I am thinking, and go from there. So here goes. I am a married white male, been married for a long time. And although my hottie is still sexy and desirable in my eyes... sex don't happen much. So I have come to realize that I am a neglected hubby. I have a great marriage, other than the lack of sex. It does still happen on occasion, and is amazing when it does, but she is just not horny very often anymore. And it is for a variety of reasons. So, a horny hubby, no sex at home, and what to do with myself. well, I tried several sites, a lot of surfing online, lots of interesting things that I found for sure. I eventually found this site. Discovered that I not only like to watch people on webcams, but that I also like to be watched. So if you want to comment on here, say what u like. Talk about what you like to do. Maybe give ideas and suggestions. I also greatly enjoy the chat rooms. It is fun to chat with others not only about sexual ideas and things, but have also had many interesting conversations about a plethora of ideas. Well, I look forward to any comments. I am sure we can keep the ideas and conversations going here as well.
  •  iamalleycat
  • Intereses:
  • All things sexual
  • Sexo
  • Hombre
  • Ocupación:
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Enero 1969
  • Grupo étnico:
  • Blanco
  • Estado civil:
  • Relación monógama
  • Sexualidad:
  • Hetero
  • Tabaco:
  • No
  • Altura:
  • 5 ft 10 in
  • Complexión:
  • Algunos kilos de mas
  • Detalles sexuales:
  • Medio
  • Formación:
  • Escuela
  • Nacionalidad:
  • United States
  • País de residencia:
  • United States
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • OH
  • Municipio:
  • columbus
  • Se ha añadido una cita:
  • 2012-06-29
  • Última visita:
  • Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos:
  • Si
 - Quick Jack off in Bathroom
  •   2K
  •  21/09/12
  •  30%
 - Shaving
  •   3K
  •  07/09/12
  •  27%
  •   503
  •  07/07/12
  •  0%
  • happyclit
  •   United States
      44 años
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