frankssplace blogs

Front page of the NY Times, in the Style section an article on Vibrators

I couldn't believe what  I was reading when I sat down Thursday morning to read the NY Times paper. Right  on the front page of the Styles section the headline " Vibrators Carry the Conversation". Its starts with, Toothpaste check, Tampons check, Vibrator check, and now you can go into your favorite Duane Reade, CVS, maybe even Walgreens all discount Pharamceutical chain stores to buy your vibrators. You no longer need to go to sex shops.  You can find them in cleverly marked packages on the shelves next to the Bengay creams and Dr. Schools footpads. These vibrators are now advertised on MTV and other programs and no longer behind sex store windows. The article describes the Trojan Model TRI-PHORIA priced at $39.95. This vibrator was developed by using customer testing techniques to perfect the best vibrator. Trojan started selling this vibrator they developed   after a study in the marketplace was conducted by center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University. The testing group revealed that over half the woman used vibrators and 80 percent shared them with partners. Another model and manufacturer the artices talks about is the Pleasure Massager by LifeStyles and the Allure by Durex. All three are condom manufacturers and  all repots sales are way up for vibrators. The article also talks about a movie called Orgasm Inc. which stood up to the pharmaceutical companies which had described woman as dysfunctional because they were not able to achieve orgasms during sex. These vibators are on the shelves of these mainstream stores with eye catching packaging and out in the open.  The message in the arrticle is really saying sex is more openly discussed and there is  more sharing among partners.

Sex Therapist Dr Laura Berman went on Oprah last year and encourged Mothers to purchase vibrators for their daughters and encouraged them to go home and satisfy themselves rather than sticking around and getting pregnant with their boyfriends. You can imagine how this stirred up some controversy. The article also mentions how men were no longer feeling threatened and rather encourged their mates for the use of vibrators. the men were enthusiastic about the use of toys in their relationships. Some even said it helped in the bedroom.

There many other enlightening parts of the article about on-line purchasing and how there is even an Apple ap for vibrators. There will be a movie with Maggie Gyllenhaal ( who else? if you havent seen the movie "The Secretary" I suggest you do) which is about a doctor who massages womans pelvises in Victorian times and gets carpal Tunnel syndrome. He goes on to invent an electronic stimulator. This device has very strong powers to heal. You can imagine this movie and how this will be played out.

I never thought I would be reading about sex and vibrators during my morning coffee. I  made for a very interesting dinner conversation with friends. They were less inclined to talk about  this in mixed company. I can't wait to discuss this with my tennis buddies for a more lively and frank discussion. Hope you enjoyed this blog. Please let me know if you did.

Happy Birthday Kinkeegirl

Happy Birthday Kinkeegirl and many many more.

Whats better than drunk sex ? Drunk birthday sex.

It is the best. I know you will have lots of both. You will have lots of sex, lots to drink and most important lots of love on this day for you.

Happy Birthday

xxxxxoooooo have a great day. Always thinking of you. You know that already

How many people have YUVU as their home page ??????

Just curious to see how many people have that?? This lots of fun so we will see the answers. Another question, how many people have this book marked??? LOL lets see if anyone answers.

Lots of fun and laughs to all my chat friends

And a safe and healthy Labor Day to you and your family. Please dont drink and drive. Be safe

Happy Memorial Day and Bless our troops this weekend

To all my YUVU Friends

This weekend the United States will be celebrating Memorial day weekend. New York has many celebrations planned for FleetWeek and all member of the Armed Convinces will be represented. As  New Yorker I am please to see these brave men and woman and are grateful for the job they do. Please when you see someone in unfirom this weekend stop and thank them for the job they do. They are the ones who are asked to make the supreme sacrifice so that we enjoy our weekends. They are the ones who are doing jobs we would never volunteer for.  THEY SHOULD BE IN OUR PRAYERS AND GOOD WISHES. .

Have a great weeknd and remember Freedom is never free.

Have fun and enjoy and be safe.


Happy New Year to all my YUVU friends

Happy and healthy New Year to all my YUVU friends and especially KINK have a great new decade.

A toast to all your prosperity and health!!!!!


I want to add my Wishes and have a Merry Xmas, as well, to my Yuvu friends

Merry Xmas to you all and have a safe one as well.  Merry Xmas Kinkee lol xxoo too

Happy First day of Sprin!It's only fitting that it snows the first day of Spring

Are you kidding snowing on the first day of Spring?  I feel I have been inside sooo much this winter I am starting to think I am a vampire! I hope a full moon doesn't come soon! I am looking outside my window and I swear these are the biggest snowflakes I have seen all winter. WInter seems to have been longer than I can remember, and I love winter. I think it's tougher when you are a cocooner like me in the winter, I can't wait for the Spring and the sun hitting my fdace and being able to play outside all day playing tennis, roller blading, running, swimming, and BBQing in the back  yard with friends drinking vodka and blaming it on the "alcohol" as the song goes. Please makes the sun come out and make it sunny and warm. The one thing I am looking forward to is my tan lines. Those can't come soon enough. Happy Spring all and have a great time!

Happy New Year all

Have a safe and healthy and Happy New Year all. It has certainly been a lot of laughs with all of you here. Look forward to 2009 and chattin with all of you. As Mrs Churchill Winston said it's is not the sex we fear but the fear of havin sex. See you all in 2009

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all my new friends

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy and healthy New year. What a blast meeting all of you and looking forward to 2009. Your humor and fun has been a great experience. Keep smiling and laughing I know I will. Be safe and healthy.  To all that make me laugh, and to all that  I make laugh, I am looking forward to more of the same. Love and kisses to all the special ladies. Sorry I am so modest LOL . I'll do better next year. Make sure you do the same. Later all.

  •  frankssplace
  • Intereses:
  • Tennis Golf Skiing Travelling
  • Sexo
  • Hombre
  • Ocupación:
  • Selling
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Grupo étnico:
  • Blanco
  • Estado civil:
  • Sexualidad:
  • Hetero
  • Tabaco:
  • No
  • Altura:
  • 175 cm 5 ft 9 in
  • Complexión:
  • Normal
  • Detalles sexuales:
  • Medio
  • Formación:
  • Diplomado
  • Nacionalidad:
  • País de residencia:
  • United States
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • Municipio:
  • New York
  • Se ha añadido una cita:
  • 2008-10-28
  • Última visita:
  • Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos:
  • No
Ninguno hasta el momento.
Ninguno hasta el momento.
  • ongi
  •   Spitzbergen
      38 años
  • fashhr
  •   United States
Ninguno hasta el momento.
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