freelover22-frozen blogs

I have challenge for Real South African Men.

This is an invite: If you can locate me in George South Africa you can have me all night long. Greta  South Africa

Getting your cherry popped

I, personally, got my "cherry popped" 2 years ago and let me tell you form my own experience--It hurt like helll. I still remeber every bit of the pain.

My girlfirends had told me that it would hurt for very long but it hurt me almost the whole time. When it was over, there was blood all over my partener's boxers and my sheets were saturated.

I ended up having to wash every blanket on my bed and even flip my mattress. But the second time was better and the pain all but melted away.

How do I finger a girl?

Ok to actually finger a girl start off by rubbing/massaging her vagina OUTSIDE the trousers/knickers whatever! then go into the trousers and you can do a mixture of things but you first need to make her wet to actually go up her vagina. you could rub/stroke the top of the lips of the vagina. also an amazing turn on spot is just where the outerlips start there is a nerve which you can rub from side to side or in circles but sometimes this can be a bit painful so remember to pay attention to her. also at the top(just inside the vagina) there is skin that is a bit like the skin on your forehead.

If you rub this in circles this is also a great turn on spot! be careful when actually going inside the vagina and dont jump in straight away with two fingers as you dont know how tight she is! and the most important thing is to be gentle! the vagina is a sensitive place and if you have long nails make sure you cut them so you dont stratch her. and always remember to pay attention to her to make sure your not putting her in any pain etc.

How can I get my vigina tight?

Ok squeeze you Vigina right now... that is how you do it. I am not joking at all it is that simple. There are surgeries you can do as well but I dont know what kind of case you in to why you want to tighten it. You can do a simple google search and find many different site on getting yourself tight but in general most of them just come down to the simple task of you contracting and relaxing you vigina.

You do this 20-400 times a day if not more. It all depends on hwo strong your muscles are right now. jsut do it all the time basically. When driving your car, sitting at work. It is somethign you can do all teh time and no one knows it but you. There are several different thing you can get like cones and what not to work different adn certan muscles but over all they are jsut doing the same thing in a different degree. Jsut keep squeezing yourself and you will be tighter. Here is a quick site I found that may help.

What is a vigina?

You can also use it to make babies

Well, null may have "all the information..." but it's not of anatomy. A woman can create a fetus without the vagina, but not without ovaries, a fallopian tube and a uterus.

At to the question at hand, so to speak: What is the vagina?
Beautiful, pretty,
pouty purse
climaxxxing into a
of furry moisture;
stream of,
I'll agree
to the
greater mysteries
and higher senses

Theres nothing finer than having a vagina

I like the backs of necks best:-) they can be really beautiful.

A naked back & butt can be very inspiring, too.

I think female genitalia is so much nicer to look at than that of males, which hangs as beautifully as a strangled chicken.

I beg to differ. The male package is so nice and tidy, all in one place, simple and with a consistent look. The female parts are so much more complicated, especially on the inside.
But then again, maybe that symbolizes the typical man-woman character difference. :-P

Still, the most amazing part to me is how well the two always fit together! Don't forget that.

The Penis Song

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy.
It's divine to own a dick,
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick.
So, three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake,
Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend,
Your Percy, or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons.
You can slip it in your sock,
But don't take it out in public,
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you won't come back.

The Best Body Parts In A Woman's Body

Which part of the woman's body do you find most attractive? My question isn't directed towards the men who'd be quick to tell me their preferences but towards women. Makes you think doesn't it? Is it the boobs, the life giving vagina, the sloppy waist, the thighs, the calves, the ankles or the feet?

When I was asked this question my brain froze ! In all my thirty two years of existence on this earth not once had I thought about the best feature of the female anatomy. It isn't as if I am attracted to the female form sexually but shouldn't I know which body part of my gender I like best?

Men like their penis. There is no .ambiguity about it. But what about us women? Which part are we most proud of?

While sitting in a cafe I found myself looking at the women going about their business on the busy street. Women of shapes, sizes and ages were scrutinized. There was some binding feature that bound us all together and that was where the beauty lay.

I focussed on the boobs, but realized that boobs are the most fickle part of the woman's body, they tend to sag even before the woman can savor her prime years, I looked at the legs and they seemed no different from mens in fact men have better legs, the butt also seemed asexual to me. The vagina? Nah, most us heterosexual women tend to view the down and under like any other functional part of our body- say the nose or the tongue; important yes but nothing earth shattering.

Apart from the Vagina Monologue I have yet to hear some vagina praising poetry from regular women.

So what could it be? I seriously watched women, even looked at myself in the mirror but the answer eluded me till one day I saw a eunuch begging for money at a red light. She was full of grace, soft spoken and a beautiful carbon copy of us women. Watching her was like seeing a lotus gently sway in a calm pond. It was then that it struck me- I love the woman's body in entirety - there is grace to be found in every part of the body.

  •  freelover22-frozen
  • Intereses:
  • I love to go for a walk on the beach at night and bendover to get a good hard fuck.
  • Sexo
  • Mujer
  • Ocupación:
  • Looking for a real man.
  • Fecha de nacimiento:
  • Mayo 1967
  • Grupo étnico:
  • Blanco
  • Estado civil:
  • Solo
  • Sexualidad:
  • Hetero
  • Tabaco:
  • No
  • Altura:
  • 139 cm 4 ft 7 in
  • Complexión:
  • Normal
  • Detalles sexuales:
  • Grande
  • Formación:
  • Diplomado
  • Nacionalidad:
  • South Africa
  • País de residencia:
  • South Africa
  • Estado, provincia o región:
  • Municipio:
  • ******** in *******
  • Se ha añadido una cita:
  • 2008-11-11
  • Última visita:
  • Para ver esta información, debes haberte suscrito antes.
  • Disponible para encontrarnos:
  • No
Ninguno hasta el momento.
Ninguno hasta el momento.
  • boygreek
  •   Ellas or Ellada
      49 años
  • jamesguy
  •   South Africa
      44 años
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