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My rejected video showed me how serious this site is.
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Mensaje My rejected video showed me how serious this site is. 
I recently uploaded a video of my wife getting her tattoo. Nothing sexual but a bit exhitionistic.

To my surprise the video never showed up on the site. I was baffeled, till I found a mail from the admin in my spam filter, explaining that there was a question of copyright. We had a short e-mail dialogue wherein I proved the authenticity of the clip. However, at the same time, I was informed that the video was still rejected with the below explanation:

"... but the problem is that you show the faces of other people who might be unhappy to appear on a porn site."

With the video not being explicit in any way, I had not thought af this at all. Stupid of me, I know.

My point is, that this short e-mail exchange with the team behind this site, their view on copyright and protection of third parties, showed me just how serious and professional these guys are. I found this site by chance, I have seen others sites with the same concept but the attitude of the admins and their approach to their job definately elevatess this site from the rest (that I have seen).


.. now how the hell do I get a hang of masking faces. It's needed for all our videos and I am just going nuts trying to figure out how to mask several faces moving all over the place Sad

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You can start by looking at this:

It's explaining how to do it with adobe premiere but this is the same for most good video editing programs.

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Yet another reason why I appreciate this site so much. The admin and the community are really top notch folks.

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