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Do You Care Who Watches Your Cam?
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Mensaje Do You Care Who Watches Your Cam? 
I am straight as an arrow, but really like jacking off and cumming on camera. I have posted 72 vids so far, and I do not care who watches them.

I enjoy watching both guys and gals on camera, but especially like a nice cumshot. It does not have to be huge, just clearly filmed. I have taken to asking the guys is they care if a straight guy watches. About half say okay. They evidently like being seen, and do not see it as a threat to their sexuality. Perhaps the others do.

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Mensaje Not at all 
I don't care who watches as I have said before, if I open my cam in a chat room it is open to the room, who am I to say who can and who cannot view

if men as well as women get a kick who cares as long as all have fun


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What you are implying jsutton is that 50% of the males on this site feel threatened sexually if another man docks their cam. I'm not buying that logic. Maybe it's just that having another man watch them does nothing for them and so they would rather not participate.

For example, I get absolutely nothing sexually from things like 'feet' or sexual humiliation or water sports. Does that mean those things threaten me sexually? Hardly. They just don't do it for me. Period.

The great thing about this site is the variety of people and their endless variety of desires and turn-ons. And we can explore these things without fear of judgment or labeling.

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Hi Lisa, you talk so much sense in this post........ I can see where JS is coming from so to speak in that he may have ppl say no if he asks them ....... but a lot of the people in the room don't actually WANT to be asked they just want to be watched and it's not an issue for them if they don't know if it's m or f at the other side of the camera........
Yes in a lot of cases it's polite to ask ...... what I have found is that those who actually 'chat' in the room appreciate being asked and those who don't actually chat usually don't care either way.

I am not the most prolific at camera watching but I do sometimes look in ...... occasionally someone will block me but that has happened only a couple of times. On yuvu it's all about freedom of expression and who you express it to ..... the advent of private chat being so readily available is a huge benefit to the site but familiar old open cam is as much fun without a doubt.

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I can say first-hand that many guys do feel sexually threatened merely because another guy docks their cam or comments on their videos. Or, at least, they portray that. They'll immediately start making negative comments like "I don't let fags watch me." Really, though, what it is, they just want to monopolize all the women in the room and be the center of attention. I'm not sure how many of them are actually revolted by the idea that another dude checks their pecker.

Personally, I have never cared who watches me or for why. If I'm on cam, it's either for my own gratification, or for the gratification of a specific few. Anybody else who gets their rocks off on it is fine by me.

What kills me is that anybody can sign up for this site without having to actually verify that they are male or female. So, even if a guy thinks that it's nothing but girls watching his cam... how does he REALLY know it's not a bunch of perverts who signed up as female just to get off watching guys who have underlying issues with homosexuality? :twisted:

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