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WTF...today I was banned from CHAT! :(
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Mensaje WTF...today I was banned from CHAT! :( 
I don't get it. It is a human need. We all sleep, have sex, eat and s... So my profile offended the mod. Boo Hoo.... Cry about it....

What the fuck is this world coming to???

Can't we just get along?

Everyone takes a s...

I don't get it.

Sad world...



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Mensaje Yuk 
Having just read your appalling profile, I'm surprised they even let you remain on the site. Your attitude towards women is simply disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated.


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You're entitled to your opinion. Some women enjoy being degraded. Smile

******************************* But hey...I won't criticize your taste. To each his own.

I haven't seen her swallow or take it up the back door. I'm sorry that you're missing out... Crying or Very sad

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It wasn't just me that was offended... the majority of the people in the room were complaining about your conversation and ended up having to put you on ignore.

As I explained to you at the time ... ***** is not a subject allowed on yuvutu, and you were asked NOT to discuss it.

And now... you have taken to insulting another members partner ... how very adult of you. Thats something else we all try to do here ... if you have nothing nice to say about someone... its best to keep quiet !!

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