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Mensaje Contest 
Hi, I think it would be good idea to make a contest of videos and photos in various categories.
Registered users would vote.
What do you think?

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Why would people want to do it? What would people win? If there is something to win, who pays for the prizes?

I'm not trying to shoot your idea down here, I actually think if it were more in the form of fun themes that the community could get behind, like a "dress up like a sexy zombie" photo event around halloween or something, where for a limited time people could contribute photos and videos to that event. Once you start making winners though, then there will be losers. Nobody wants to feel like a loser.

If you have any ideas on how to get the community going, please continue to share your thoughts. I'd love to hear some ideas on how to build the chatroom back up too.

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This is not to win prizes.
This would be to promote video, hottest, with more quality.
Another incentive to improve, in a friendly way.

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I think admins should improve their proximity with all the users.

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