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Sight not Working correctly
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Mensaje flash 
ive just installed flash again from the link and still cant watch the videos...not even my own.
i will be deleting soon if it doesnt work

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Mensaje Flash not working 
I was working on Flash until today but now I get no flash at all - but flash is working correctly ?

Is something wrong at your end?


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Mensaje too!!!! 
For some reason, the video's simply don't play! I also have FLASH installed and I know my FLASH works because I access other FLASH sites.

Here's what I'm running ;

- Windows Vista Ultimate
- Windows Internet Explorer 7.0.6000.16386
- Reside in Canada
- ALWAYS delete my temp. files & cache

Any ideas to get these video's working again? And also....was I the only one who had trouble accessing the site for a few days recently? For the past three or four days the site was down. I couldn't connect to it (but can now - obviously!).

If it ain't thick, it ain't right. Much love to all BBW's!
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