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New category in Personals
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Mensaje New category in Personals 
New category:

Woman seeking Black Man

Man seeking Black Woman

Couple seeking Black Woman

Couple seeking Black Man

Couple seeking Black Couple

What dou you think about it?

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Mensaje Ludicrous 
what about Asians, latinos etc, there would be hundreds of categories.

If you said 'looking for white people" how racist would that look.

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I think it would be a bad idea, You can always add this to your post title in the relevant section!

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Ok, let's just consider caucasian, asian, afro-american, indian and latino (5). For every category, you'd have 5*5 combinations... that'd be 25.

Since we got 7 "seeking" categories, 25*7... 175.

You got to add there the other 29 "non-seeking" categories. That's 175+29

So, if I got it right, you're asking for the forums to have 204 different categories!!! It seems a lot to me.

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