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Moderators in chat room
Has the presence of moderators improved the chat rooms?

Yes, the chat room is much better now 42% 42% ( 126 )
No, those moderators are fascists! 49% 49% ( 148 )
No change; moderators? what moderators? 8% 8% ( 26 )

Total de votos : 300
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Is there a need for moderators? Absolutely, and the reason why is because Admin cannot be here 24/7 to monitor everything. Somebody needs to be here to take care of individuals who really are an issue to the community as a whole (spamming forums with links, creating multiple accounts to harass others, etc.).

Do you need moderate users who are being pests? Perhaps not. It may be a fine line, but moderators are going to have to take a wide look at the behavior going on in the room. If there are a lot of people engaging in rude, offensive behavior then maybe it is a good idea to drag them aside and talk to them, possibly ban them. However, that can go both ways, and everybody who is complaining about one person may actually become the problem themselves if it turns towards harassment. It may be a very fine line, and in those instances, it may be better to be too lenient than too harsh.

This is going to be a VERY thankless job, if the mods do their jobs right. Users who are positively affected by it are most likely not going to know what has been done for their benefit, and users who are negatively effected by it are going to become an issue. But the reason mods do this should be because they want to continue to see the site thrive and grow in a positive manner.

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This seems to be my opionion you can disagree if you wish but Mods need to NOT be seen or heard. If yer a mod dont gloat about it in front of some other others that werent chosen, it does hurt their feelings. Put yerself in there shoes n think about howd youd feel if you werent one n the others were gloating about it. Also the threshold of tolerency has become much smaller and it seems every other line is a moderator giving some sort of warning to someone in the room. Rememeber mods we as regs do still have the ability to block the assholes in the room if we want...Warnings can be done in whispers and not disrupt the room. The mod program seems to be causeing a bit of jealousy between some of the regs. To the regs who arent Mods, cut them some slack they are learning ok? Yes they could have been a lil more descrete when they got there mod status but they were excited so who can blame them...All in all it CAN work out if we all just get along n try to keep things as normal as they have always been.

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Mensaje Bloody Mess 
There needs to be moderator rules for the moderators. Some have little or none experience at all and some are abusing their "moderator" powers. As far as being adults, some need guidelines in this area. I have heard complaints from both sides of the spectrum. A lot of people are not happy about mods abusing their powers. A lot of people don’t understand why certain people become mods when others were more capable of doing a better job. The moderators should've been chosen by seniority IMO.
Some of us mods don't know who the other mods are. There is a bit of lack of communciation between mods. I agree with some of what people have posted. We do need just a few mods for each time zone. As far as giving out "mod" shifts.. that doesn't really work half the time.
On a personal level, I've noticed that a few people don't talk to me the way they use to because I've been made a mod. So already "clicks" are being formed. I'm gonna have to agree with Ex. I'm still the same crazy person and that's not going to change. It upsets me that I am being treated differently just because that I am a mod. I'm just the same all around. But like I said, that's on a personal level.
As far as mods bragging, I think I might have said something without keeping into consideration any one else’s feelings and have come off as insensitive. And for that I truly apologize. All moderators should keep that in mind.

Another thing, I think you guys should bring back email verification so that way we don't have "unruly chatters" coming back under diff names.. about 50 times a night.

We do need better communication skills and give us moderators rules and such. I wouldn't mind getting together with someone and putting something together.

There are lots of things to be worked on and changed as well as implemented. Maybe Trust is right.. bringing about mods is going to cause more harm? But then again this whole entire issue is a double edge sharp ass sword. We need to find a medium. At the same time you can’t please EVERYONE 100 percent of the time. Hopefully in the long run, this will get sorted.

Ultima edición por dilligaf el 2008-02-12 00:26:52; editado 1 vez

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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Mensaje Moderators 
The first night of being a mod was a little crazy. People were joking with us and asking about our "powers" and we were joking back. At least, I know I was when I replied "we have the power", in my not so good impersonation of HeMan. And yes, it was most definitely insensitive to others' feelings. I certainly didn't mean to come across as "bragging." If I would have stopped to think about things before I said them, I wouldn't have, I promise you. But, in my defense, if I need one, we weren't given instructions on what we had the ability to do, just some general guidelines, and I had no idea the admin room was created for us to go there and discuss things. So, when someone says you can see cams in any room, and I reply, OMG, that's so cool, I was excited, not bragging. But I can definitely see where someone would have taken it the wrong way. I probably would have as well. When people are asking questions about the moderators, I was simply trying to explain what we had the ability to do.

I have every intention of continuing on in the chat rooms as I always have. I want to continue to play with everyone and have a good time. This is the reason I'm here. I don't want to become a "policewoman" in the rooms, but will certainly watch for bad behavior. I agree that whispers might be a better way to warn people so that there is no public humiliation factor. I also think our names should be highlighted in some way to indicate that we are moderators, so people know we are there. I think that alone, will help with some of the behaviors.

On a side note, regarding people we have blocked and people who have us blocked. I know that people cannot block us now, but those that had us blocked before moderator status, should somehow be unblocked, if possible. We won't be able to see what they are doing otherwise. Likewise, those that we have blocked, unfortunately, should be unblocked for the same reasons. If moderators "block" people, we cannot see them. I know this leaves us open to a lot more hassles, but if the person becomes abusive after being warned, then they should be banned anyway.

I want to apologize to anyone that I may have offended. It was certainly not my intention. I also want to thank the other moderators for all their help since this was implemented. We are all learning here and we do need to somehow agree on some guidelines for what constitutes getting blocked, getting kicked and getting banned.

Again, thank you for allowing me to express my opinion.

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Mensaje Ashamed 
Actually now, being a mod means nothing, i feel hated, i feel betrayed, i feel that some no longer want to talk to me. I havent done anything wrong, i merely wanted this great place to be a better one.

Yeah i admitted on the first day that i was a mod, but it soon left its appeal when one of the people who i trusted and thought highly of will no longer speak to me.

I am sorry that most of you think what has been implemented was a wrong move by yuvutu, but we mean no harm, and certainly didnt want to distance anyone or make any other member feel the way they do.

Time will tell whether this works out, if it does then great, i can feel like my normal self. If it doesnt, then....... well i dont know what'll happen to me.

Apologies to all who have felt the unrest this has caused.

I still think highly of you all


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WOW!!!!!! I guess everyone can agree on one thing......Sure has been plenty to talk about here lately. lol
Since everyone is throwing thier 2cents in here's mine. (like anyone cares)

A little advice for the mods....And i've said this all along....LESS IS MORE! Let the peeps in chat control the chatrooms themselves. As it's been said before, if someone gets out of line that person will be told that they are out of line....We don't need mods to do that. Maybe some people like to be asked to do things??? "Flash Tits", "Show Ass"...Whatever....It's not that big of a deal. I can handle the trolls myself just fine. I don't need a big brother looking over my shoulder protecting me all the time. Just chill 8)

Now.....I was in chat yesterday and some dickhead was throwing racial slurs...It was no sooner out of his mouth and he was banned. Good deal. That's what the mods are for imo.

Me??? i'm going to enjoy the site for what it is....Post a few vids of me and my hunny gettin jiggy with it. Maybe do a cam show once in a while....Oggle the girls that like to flash on cam....And chat with the friends i've made here.

Cheers Everyone! :D

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just a couple of points regards ppl i have blocked if i have blocked some1 in the past there will have been a reason for that , and if any of them are now mods i would be upset to find that they are now not blocked ther is 1 or 2 in particular.
And regarding the selection of mods a lot of ppl would consider themselves as good honest and reasonable ppl so how was the selection made . Also is ther a list of mods available :?:

I\'ve found my exy mwahhhhhh
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Mensaje wow this is messed up 
First of all I would like to say that before all this happened I loved this site. I came in here with no intentions of finding some of the best people ever. I have been on other sites before where people was not as kind to me and that is why I left. Here was a place that everyone was nice and wanted to have a good time. I was never so free with my comments or my body until here. But now it is not fun anymore I get off the cam several times during the night because someone ruins the fun for us all. There are nights now that I wonder If I will even get back on cam the next day. Are we not all adults here? Honestly this feels like hight ***** again. You have your clicks I guess you can say the mods and then the rest of us. You dont know who you can trust and not trust because that person will go behind your back and rip you to shreds thinking that will make them in the mods good favors. I can agree that the quality of people in the rooms vary but I have learned to deal with it in my own way. Yes it is annoying to be asked a million times to show something but as lbn said that is the chance you take when you take off your clothes on cam and choose to show something with the emphase on choose. I choose when and where to take something off and have a good time. I dont like to be directed and told what to do. I just ignore them and go on about my business but then I also have blocked several people. I just want to say that the majority of people I have blocked has not been for directing or demanding. There has been other issues along with this. Do we need moderators Yes because every one knows the trouble we have had with a certain someone in the rooms at night and with out them it would have been worse. It is a thankless job because no one is going to thank them. But I am Thank You moderators for doing something the rest of us dont have the balls to do or at least we think we can do better than you lol . I personally dont want to be a moderator because the pressure would be too much for me . I just want my old chat room back the one that i loved and loved to be in at night. Also Just want to say that I have meet some of the best people in the world in here and I am proud to call them my friends and I hope they feel the same . These are people that I look for in rooms and want to talk with them .........Kisses Wetpus

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If there are any moderators who are acting like they're somehow better than other users, hopefully they will quickly dissuade themselves of this notion. There shouldn't be any perception of a clique composed of moderators, because ultimately the moderators are here to help everybody in the community and to be of service to them.

Other than a certain reoccuring pest, and a rather mean-spirited and completely unfounded "general" complaint about how moderators are going to destroy the site, last couple of days to me I've seen nothing but people interacting, chatting, perving and having fun. I've especially seen newer users coming in for the first time and feeling comfortable with expressing themselves appropriately.

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I just wanted to say that the first couple days it was something to get used to, but now that it seems the mods have got it down everything has been running great..
I for one would like to say thank you to the mods for watching over the people that are in there.

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As i've said before. when you point someone in my direction with more than 15 years in chatting on the net,tell me who they are............................... and i will bow to their superior knowledge

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I did my best to hang out in the chat rooms yesterday and pay attention to what was going on. Let me tell you it was tuff with all those gorgeous women cuming and going all the time. lol

Let me just say again.....Some of the Mods really need to practice some restraint....Just my 2 cents...

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I've been in the chattrooms fore some days now (since I got my puter working again, lol)... I haven't experienced any problems with beeing a mod yet... I think that people are listening to what I say, if I ask them to be nice and respectful to all who's in there at the moment, they actually are beeing just that! So I think mods are a great thing, but we perhaps don't have to stay forever...

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[quote="Ohio_Couple"]I did my best to hang out in the chat rooms yesterday and pay attention to what was going on. Let me tell you it was tuff with all those gorgeous women cuming and going all the time. lol

Let me just say again.....Some of the Mods really need to practice some restraint....Just my 2 cents...[/quote]

[i][b]Sorry folks let me clarify the above post.....It's not that any of the mods are going overboard on anything. On the contrary I think everyone has been doing a pretty good job. The above statement goes to the fact that a few of the regulars seem to be a little put off with the change. Persons i've chatted with in the past now will not acknowledge when I say good day to them. Was just thinking if we took things slow and easy maybe the transition would go that much easier. Anyway...Enough about it :roll:

Let me just say that I think Wetpus had some good words to say in her post above. There are some really great people here and we have made some great new friends here. Thanks to you all for letting us play!!!!![/b][/i]

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Other than one "certain" sanctimonious self effacing self righteous mod this may just may work who knows,but this "certain" sanctimonious mod needs reeling in a bit.That is my opinion

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