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Happy Birthday Jamieuk
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Mensaje Happy Birthday Jamieuk 
Today is Jamieuk's birthday, so if you see him in the chat room, please give him birthday wishes and kisses!!! Happy birthday baby...hope you have an outstanding birthday!!!!

I'd spank you if you were here with

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Well, Happy Birthday, Jamie! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And I won't ever forget it's your birthday, cos today is my wedding anniversary too! lol!

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Happy Birthday Jamie......Hope you have a great day..

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Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthday dear Jamieeeeeeeeee, happy birtday tooooooooo youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!

love from Exy and Beema Wink

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Ultima edición por bigbellies el 2008-08-25 10:53:53; editado 1 vez
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Mensaje thank you!!! 
aww thank you nawty baby xxx mwah

and thank you pbear, exy, beema, billy, missy and mr n mrs bellies for your best wishes mwah xxx

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A little late, but

Kisses from Switzerland
Marti & Sylvie
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Happy Birthday Jamie!

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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Sorry I have missed this....Happy Belated Birthday Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahhhhhhhhh

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Mensaje kiss kiss 
Happy Birthday Jamie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to give you a personal birthday kiss!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

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Happy Belated Birthday m8!

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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