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Viewing in the Photo Section...
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Mensaje Viewing in the Photo Section... 
Not really a complaint, just wondering if everyone else is having the same problem I am. When I "download" a group of pictures to look at, there are times that this totally and completely locks up my computer. This is something that "Control-Alt-Delete" won't unlock. It usually requires just turning off the electricity to the computer and starting over...(which the computer ain't too fond of either!).

Is anyone else having this problem, or a way around if it does happen?

Thanxxx in advance.

HJ 8)

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Mensaje photo section 
Whats happened to the thumbnails, the page goes full scale when opening the photo section ?

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I have the same problem... Sad

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Me too!


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Me too!

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[quote="admin"]Me too!
LMFAO!!!!!!!! Well fix it! lol

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Mensaje fixed 
Allllllllllllllllllllll fixed no more hugie pictures lol thankz Admin

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Damn that was the only way for me willy to look big!

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Mensaje Want Fuck Buddy 
I'm looking for a fuck female or couple fuck buddy in Pennsylvania I'm close to Philadelphia, PA and I'd love to have a sex friend to suck and fuck this big 9 inch cock of mine and often too. So if there is anyone in my area and wants a fuck boy toy contact me wtstandup69 on YAmessenger and start taking care of this big cock of mine and I have low hanging big balls with a huge cockhead too, get some take a test ride on it.

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