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Probably a Local Chat problem - Advice needed
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Mensaje Probably a Local Chat problem - Advice needed 
I have been using the chat like 2 months ago, and i came back from holiday, and it doesnt work now, i have been having a [b]"connecting ...." [/b]message but it doesnt load..

What can be the problem?

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Hi, Is your flash player fully up to date?.. Only thing i can think of.

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i know i have the most updated adobe flash player.. :(
what else can be the problem??
i even tried mozila.. but still

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Please see this post:

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Please contact admin using the "feedback" link at the top of the page and give more info.

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Mensaje It can be a few things 
I wrote a topic on how to fix flash loading errors and other errors in this post:

If it still won't work, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do to help out k.

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