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Chat rooms 'no directing' and 'directing ok'
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Mensaje Chat rooms 'no directing' and 'directing ok' 
I just wanted to congratulate the site on the two new chat rooms and encourage it to maintain them. I believe they are a long overdue solution necessary to satisfy the apparently differing opinions and interests among this site’s users. On the one hand, there are those users who have been in this community for quite a while and who tend to spend significant amounts of their time here. Those users seem to be more interested in a primarily casual and day-to-day conversation chat with their friends. On the other hand, there many people who primarily come here for - well call it “more explicit action”. Among those are many “newbies” and users who seem to come here rather occasionally. From time to time these two groups seem to have very differing perceptions on what is said, how it’s said, what they intend to do and what they expect from others when they are in this site’s chat. In this context, “Hairs” posted a very thoughtful comment a couple of month ago:

I believe that the two new chat rooms could have the potential to solve these problems and could make chatting even more pleasurable for all users.

Cheers, Blue

P.S.: Please only comment on this post when it’s something thoughtful, don’t spoil it with nonsense.

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At the risk of my opinion of the two chatrooms being 'nonsense', I am of the feeling that yuvutu have finally given in to the 'trolls', after years of constantly stating that there should be no directing and that the women/men should only do what they want on cam as and when they feel like it. Also, now half of the people i like interacting with are in one room and the rest are in the other.

I shall be watching the outcome of developments with interest.....

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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Mensaje two rooms 
i dont know keys, maybe if a woman/ man wants to be directed they can go in there, but i think people who want to direct will be disappointed at waiting to direct someone

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We are watching which room will be more popular

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bluemarlin - I love your PS comment, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets fed up with the number of threads taken off topic and down some cliqued cul-de-sac.

Keys - I don't think its really giving in to any particular group of users - it's just a case of giving people what they want and I think it could create 2 rooms with a better healthier atmosphere - I just hope that the non-directing room doesn't become one that is too sterile where any sexual content is frowned upon or where people that have the ability and desire to have a sexual conversation without the cloak of a whisper are told to "get a room"

I also think that the atmosphere in the old single SE room was at times very unpleasant with a great deal of bickering and animosity between people with differing views of what should and shouldn't go on in the chat room - which is one reason why the Bi room at times was more popular as in there, there was often a far more pleasant atmosphere and people can play and do as they like without being frowned upon by the tea and cake community!

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lol i am deeply offended at being labelled as one of the 'tea and cake' community!

I demand an apology, Jamie!

I am sure the 'directing' room will ultimately prove the more popular but i have to say i preferred the single room as u could have the best of both worlds, good chat with sex on cam if u wanted it.

Maybe i just don't like change! Smile

A passion for destruction is also a CREATIVE passion!
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keyser, i wasn't labelling you as one of the tea and cake community, but we both know they exist - so I'm not going to apologise to you, you can whistle through your ass before you get one of those from me lol

and no, you don't like change,but give it a chance and you may like it - and having the extra room to flit between couls also mean double your pleasure!!!

Lying is cheap, but honesty costs nothing
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Mensaje lol 
hope i dont violate the p.s. (dont u love it when people put conditions on future posts?) but i was wondering something. if people who direct, beg, and instruct (aka, trolls) did so under the prior room structure when told not to do so, why would they stop now just because there is one room that says you can direct and one room that says you cannot direct?

i mean if nobody is on cam in the directing room and they hop over to the nondirecting room, you think suddenly they are gonna change their ways?

ps please dont comment on my post unless you agree with me.

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Hi all sorry did not want to post on this forum but it is soooooooooooooooooooooooo damn easy to fix has talked to a lot of peeps in room about this and sorry to the Mods. But mod's room say's " No Directing " is easy they do it once mute em do it again boot for what ever time is set up with those mod's and admin ................... if they come back and do it again in room add more time every time it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn easy :) I know the diffrence between funning directing and real i also know the diffrence from asking and directing ...................... I think the Mod's do a great job just need to to put the hammer down and newbies and peeps will get it also and the room will not be so crowded it's a fact has seen when a Mod started muting and booting :) Sorry like I said was not gong to say crap about but ............... grrrrrrrrrrrrr have to enconvince the rules set and people learn "I tell you :) "

Ty Saxon

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Mensaje Re: lol 
[quote="lorigirl"]hope i dont violate the p.s. (dont u love it when people put conditions on future posts?) but i was wondering something. if people who direct, beg, and instruct (aka, trolls) did so under the prior room structure when told not to do so, why would they stop now just because there is one room that says you can direct and one room that says you cannot direct?

i mean if nobody is on cam in the directing room and they hop over to the nondirecting room, you think suddenly they are gonna change their ways?

ps please dont comment on my post unless you agree with me.[/quote]

I have seen that happen already and it does get dealt with by whispering to the user to remind them of the no directing rule, if the continue they get muted and if they ignore it they get kicked.

I have already been abused for this but I have thick skin :D

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The "most popular" room is always going to be the room with the most people in it - because there's more chance of seeing hot sex on cam, simple as that. Whether it's "directing or non" isn't as big a factor in the decision making process as "any tits or cocks to stare at?".

Simple as that.

And I know exactly what jamie means by the tea and cake brigade, and damn there should be a room with cameras switched off just for them to chat about tea and cake without getting uptight that somebody is attempting to do something crude or talk about bodily functions.

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Mensaje What do you think about an additional ‚tea and cake’ room? 
I agree that the new rooms didn’t make too much of a difference so far. The ‘herd instinct’ really seems to be the decisive factor. Initially I hoped that the ‘no directing’ room eventually would develop into something that would better fulfill the needs for those users more interested in a primarily casual and day-to-day conversation chat with their friends. Or as you guys called it the ‘tea and cake’ brigade. Therefore, I also want to recommend creating an additional room called something like ‘casual chat’ or ‘I currently don’t want to show’.

I don’t share the concerns that initiatives like this would mean to give in to those who don’t obey the rules. I actually think it’s exactly the opposite. It’s meant to better fit the different intentions and expectations of as many users as possible and to reduce unpleasant clashes. Repeatedly it’s just a matter of time that ladies are pestered by some 'diehard' to show something or to watch something when they primarily want to discuss the weather, cooking and handbags. Of course there are several measures to stop those guys and moderators doing a good job – but a ‘casual chat’ could have the potential to avoid or reduce clashes in the first instance.

(Concerning my ‘P.S.’: It was intended to avoid off topic posts, personal conversations or plain nonsense via the posts. In contrast, collecting ‘different opinions’ of course is the intention of a forum. But forums do have certain rules, just like chats.)

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If there's going to be a "tea and cake" room I think it should be a room where they *cannot* switch on cams, as this will remove the whole element of people who pester to see stuff, and we'll get a proper breakdown of "pervs" vs. "non pervs".

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Hairs escribió:
If there's going to be a "tea and cake" room I think it should be a room where they *cannot* switch on cams, as this will remove the whole element of people who pester to see stuff, and we'll get a proper breakdown of "pervs" vs. "non pervs".

The exact same thought I had!!

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I taking the ability of using your cam when you decide as bad as pandering to trolls?

Its common sense not seperate rooms we need, users need to realise that just because its an adult chat room, this does not allow them to act in manner similar to a pack of braying dogs, I am refering to the trolls btw not the average user that is after a naughty fun time.

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