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whispers and chat
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Mensaje whispers and chat 
am i being stupid ive read all the help pages but dont get it how do you whisper someone without it coming up on the main screen .and i see peoples pens moving but there not chatting in the room?

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hawkins, from the list of people in the chat room take your cursur over the name of the person you would like to whisper, you will be given 4 choice whisper, ignore, profile page and add friend. click whisper then at the bottom of the chat window where you type you will now see the persons name in a lil box and a box next to that with a check mark in that says " whisper. now as long as the check is in box you are whispering to that one person only :). hope that helps. it is also a good idea to ask the person if it's ok to whisper them first before doing so respect goes along way in the chat room

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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thanks for the reply but if i leave the check in the box the message appears in the main chat for all to see it just has whisper before the message not that one person only?

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It is supposed to do that Hawkins, but when you see the word "whisper" before your comment, only you and the person you directed it to can see it, no one else. It's just letting you know that your comment when through. If it just has the person's name next to yours without the word whisper, then the entire room can see the message. I hope that clears things up a bit.

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