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Videos posted on other websites
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Mensaje Videos posted on other websites 
Our video was posted on and We prohibited downloading and sharing. Just a note for other posters here. We've let the admin know.

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Mensaje Re: Videos posted on other websites 
[quote="trymick"]Our video was posted on and We prohibited downloading and sharing. Just a note for other posters here. We've let the admin know.[/quote]

I did the same. If it makes you feel better, I decompiled their player. They are actually screen-scraping the vid postings here and they stream from the original source through their player, so removing one here should eliminate it there.

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Mensaje re mrblink's reply 
Thank you for the advice. Sad we have to remove the vid. No telling what else has been posted, but there were many yututu vids.

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Our #1 problem that needs to be addressed here is the reposting of videos on other sites. The "better" the vid, the more likely it is to be reposted somewhere on the net.

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We have a slightly different problem. We uploaded a few of our own vids to (what appeared to be) a legitimate site (NOT yuvutu). At the time we posted them they could only be viewed through the flash player on the page. But a week or so ago they suddenly "improved" paid memberships by now allowing the downloading of all archived movies including ours. I've emailed them about this, telling them to delete our watermarked vids from their server but they either ignore my messages outright or try to shine me on with BS : "there is little we can do to prevent downloading of material posted." This is after they announce on their site : "As of yesterday, if you're a paid member, you can also view the posted movies in your own media player, and even download it if you want to as part of your membership." Unbelievable.
The great people who run yuvutu seem to be the exception when it comes to unethical behavior.

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Mensaje List of offending sites 
Should we start a list of sites here to monitor, sites that have reposted videos in the past?

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If your video is displaying on another site, and you do not approve, please make sure to let Admin know so they can step in. If they're abusing Yuvutu with something that lets them click through to Yuvutu, then Admin can look into blocking that. Your videos are YOUR content and Yuvutu strives to respect your privacy and your rights.

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