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Chat Box next to vids missing
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Mensaje Chat Box next to vids missing 
Where did they go , I miss them , theres nothing better than the aruthor of the vid chatting with you as you watch there vids with them , it sometimes turns into quite a party when 3 or 4 close friends can chat on the vids and get some fun time in as well ............ please bring them back ..................QQ

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Mensaje missing chat box 
I agree with its soo much fun watching videos with someone else!! i hope the problem will be fixed soon, im not how i will fill my time!! hmmmm jellyvibe anyone?

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Mensaje am I going nuts? 
because I still have that box, it's moved underneath the video now though


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The chat box feature was making IE8 users crash so admin team removed it.

They hope it will come back in about 3 weeks.


wetchick escribió:
because I still have that box, it's moved underneath the video now though


Yes, me too, when you are a subscriber, and watching HR videos, It seems the chat box still appears under the video player.

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Mensaje chat box issue 
i see the comment box below but not a place for live chats

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I've seen your little chat box Mrs J. , Wink .....not a bad place for a threesome of close friends to get re-aquainted Laughing

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I think while trying to fix the lil chat window for vids that the main chat took a hit and has gone up in flames .............7/15/11 1600 hr est usa

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Mensaje OH SHIT !!!!!! 
See what you've done now QQ ?? I told you if you play with it too much you will break it !!!!

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I must have strained a muscle this week or something J ,. Twisted Evil .... I was trying to lift the front of Lt's lace night gown and could just barely muster enough strength to get it over her ears, and thrown out the window in the street where a passing truck sucked it up and took it to Tulsa ,,,,,,,,,,, whoa........ poor weak me .... Rolling Eyes .........QQ.

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