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Whispers in Chat: Please take this poll!
What would you like to see happen in chat regarding whispers?

Bring whispers back, and leave things just as they were. 31% 31% ( 51 )
Bring whispers back, but allow users to turn them off on their own (much like you can disable private message boxes) 63% 63% ( 102 )
Leave the no-whispers option as it stands now 4% 4% ( 8 )

Total de votos : 161
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Mensaje Whispers in Chat: Please take this poll! 
Let's get some hard data to see how everyone is really feeling about whispers these days. Tell your friends! :P

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had voted.....

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Hate to pop the bubble, but i think it's either whispers or no whispers ................ no on or off button for users

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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[quote="saxon"]Hate to pop the bubble, but i think it's either whispers or no whispers ................ no on or off button for users[/quote]

I'm under the impression from others that you used to have the option of accepting whispers or not... seems like a great compromise to me.

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It was a great option blonde but this chat does not have that function. Admin says it's either all or nothing.

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[quote="blondenewbie"][quote="saxon"]Hate to pop the bubble, but i think it's either whispers or no whispers ................ no on or off button for users[/quote]

I'm under the impression from others that you used to have the option of accepting whispers or not... seems like a great compromise to me.[/quote]

That is true we did but, was with the old chat software we are on different software now and on second upgrade to that software.

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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[quote="saxon"]Hate to pop the bubble, but i think it's either whispers or no whispers ................ no on or off button for users[/quote] I like whispers but would be nice to be able to disable the ones you dont want to whisper to without actually blocking the person from chatting in open room I like whispers the are easier to use than private messages they are annoying and get in the way of convos if anything its them that should be gotten rid of

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il m'arrive parfois d'envoyer des whisp "HARD" a certaines femmes qui aiment ca de MA part mais qui ne veulent pas passer pour de grosses "salope" devant tout le monde
C'est pourquoi j'aime les whispers

sometimes happens to me to send "hard" whisper to girls who appreciate it from me but not from every one. They don' t want to be considerate like "bitch" and don't want to be badgered by every one.
That why I like whispers

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Mensaje whisper options 
I like that blondenewbie is gathering 'hard' opinions on this subject.....heheheh Bring whispers back. Its too much fun seeing messages that were supposed to be whispers show up in the room for everyone to see.

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Mensaje international 
hi. i am italian and often like to visit other rooms like other chatters. in most of them we have to use the room's language (italian spanish german and so on). if an english comes to the italian room and i write him/her in english without whispering i go banned. same thing to all the people who visits different rooms and does not know the room's language.

ciao. sono italiano e spesso visito altre stanze come fanno altri chatters. nella maggiorparte delle stanze bisogna usare il lingiaggio della nazionalità (italiano spagnolo inglese etc). se un inglese entra nella stanza italia e io le/gli scrivo in inglese senza sussurrare vengo bannato. stessa cosa per tutte le persone che visitano varie stanze e non conoscono la lingua madre della stanza stessa.

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love seeing whispers in main room meant for private...sooo funny
i do wonder what some will have to say if it cant be in private
either way i have voted..done my bit

carpe diem xx

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Mensaje please!!!!!! 
Please make the whisper message back!!

I really like chatting,but now not anymore!
The private messages,and interuptions making me mad!!

Sooo please lets have thing,like they were before... Crying or Very sad


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Seems to me that the main group of people really wanting the whispers back are those males who use it to abuse the females, because they never would say half the tings in the room for fear of being muted or removed from the room so whispers are a way out of not being removed or muted.


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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[quote="saxon"]Seems to me that the main group of people really wanting the whispers back are those males who use it to abuse the females, because they never would say half the tings in the room for fear of being muted or removed from the room so whispers are a way out of not being removed or muted.


Even me Sax? That was unfair. I think the spirit of Ziaozi has finally died completely.

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[males who use it to abuse the females, because they never would say half the tings in the room for fear of being muted or removed from the room so whispers are a way out of not being removed or muted. }

Z read it again ................... you do not abuse the lady's was not aimed at people like you who do whisper good things :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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