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Whispers in chat
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I can understand totally how annoying it must be to have idiots whispering at you all the time... but it's also a very useful ability. I've had plenty of whispered conversations, from personal chats with friends, to fun and friendly chats with new people who just don't want to talk publically, through to naughty chats with women who prefer to keep it private and intimate rather than sharing it with the world. I think the loss of whispers has more negatives than positives, and it's a real blow.

We already have the ignore function, and maybe the ideal solution is to beef that up. Making ignores permanent from session to session would be a good thing. And a "block all whispers" option would be ideal - it would allow those who don't like them to not have to deal with them, while those who do can still enjoy them.

Please, Save Our Whispers!


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Mensaje no more whispers 
If a number of the women who cam want them gone them they should be gone. It's the women that keep this site going. We must keep them happy. Most of the ones that want them back are the ones that use them to bother the ladies on cam.

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Mensaje Whispers Back Please 
I personally like the whisper function. Did I use it all the time? No. But I liked being able to have a private conversation with my close friends who asked questions of me that I didn't want the whole room to see the answers to. Could I have used the Private Box? Yes. But, if that person just happened to be camming and was also chatting in the room with someone else, I would in no way want to interrupt their fun either.

There are those I whisper with and those I don't. I don't particularly like the Private option all the time and would rather have the whisper option back. The iggy button comes in handy. And weather you are a man or a woman, if someone says "No" need to respect that.

Thanks for listening ~ for whatever it's worth :D

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Mensaje well 
Very annoying when you have to read half of a conversation. If someone is whispering you, then whisper them back please.

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Mensaje ... 
The whisper button is slowly being replaced with that annoying intrusive private chat box.

Those who know me know how much I detest using it as it takes over half your screen, now that EVERYONE has figured out there's a way to use it and don't bother asking up it pops every 2 damn seconds.

And God help you if you reply because we all know what that means, the slightest hint of a reply and low and behold the private cam is being offered too.

Please bring back the whispers Smile

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gotta agree with wet ......

those blasted boxes ....

i feel so for the guys when i reply to them ...

HEY GUYS ... PLEASE ASK 1ST ..... if no reply DONOT OPEN A BOX ON US .....

thanky very muchy xxx

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Mensaje whispers 
back on pls thnx

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Mensaje Re: no more whispers 
[quote="PhilsFillys"]If a number of the women who cam want them gone them they should be gone. It's the women that keep this site going. We must keep them happy. Most of the ones that want them back are the ones that use them to bother the ladies on cam.[/quote]

spot on comment!!!Its not the whispers that bother us though, its the abuse of whispers!!!If people use them correctly when they come back, and i'm sure they will, then there will be no problems.

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hate pm boxes in chat, clogs up the page Evil or Very Mad

i vote bring whispers back then its up to the individual whether they answer Cool

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Mensaje whispers 
Please bring back whispers

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Bring back whispers
I just wish people would use them respectfully

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admin - please start listening to the majority and bring whispers back or you will be left with the minority

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Mensaje Whispers 
I haven't been on in a While. Poof the whisper function was gone. I was like what the fuck is going on here. First of all i think its stupid that it was taken away like others have posted here before the trolls now have free rain on the room. I don't like the idea of them being off. I think they should be enabled again

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Whispers should definitely be reinstated. If the ladies don't like them, they can simply ignore the person bothering them. If it's not reinstated soon, I will be going elsewhere for my entertainment.

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Mensaje whisper fun 
didnt realise how much fun recieving whipsers was..till i cudnt... i rarely write in whisps but getting lil comments is fun and does no harm..slows the room down too

bring them back please xxxxx

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