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We enjoyed our time here
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Mensaje We enjoyed our time here 
Bye All ..we have really enjoyed our time on this site. Since we found four of our rejected videos submited to yuvutu site on another site. (why..?? ) http://****************.html Therefore we have deleted all our videos and photos on this site. We are in the process to have the other videos also removed from the ***********.com...thanks for was fun .


Carol an George

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Mensaje this is a compliment ?? 
seems more of a case for litigation !! any class action laywers on the site ? will miss their voluminous contributions for sure

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Mensaje in response 
there is no way possible for your REJECTED videos to have been taken and submitted elsewhere, obviously you must have published them on various sites yourselves and not remembered doing so.

That statement insinuates that one of the moderators is somehow responsible for copyright theft..

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bye you 2 ....

shut the door on the way out...........

please dont slam it ....

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if your vid were rejected on yuvutu

theres no way they could be submitted to another site from here ...

as wet has said .. you must have uploaded the vids in other places also ....

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Mensaje Vids 
As Wetchick says.. there is no way any Mods can take a vid from through the approval process and copy it to upload it elsewhere... the "system" just doesnt allow for that kind of thing,......

No Mods would do that.. if caught their Moderator post would be terminated immediately.. as it should be.

I think I speak for us all to say our integrity is better than that, we are put in a position of trust by Admin and know better than to abuse that trust.


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Mensaje Furniture and Snowflakes 
All I ever saw on your cam was your furniture or snowflakes, leaves, etc.

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