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Mods in chat harassing people
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Mensaje Mods in chat harassing people 
To quote chat:

hey, betsyb & jamieuk-- what do you typically do as a mod when someone keeps whispering, begging you to watch their cam?
... when that person is themself a mod
you can't put a mod on ignore

She said the mod in quesion is 'Wiper'

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Tell her to use the Feedback button above and be as detailed as possible, this should include chat copy and pastes if possible.

Admin isn't the quickest at responding, but he does take complaints against mods seriously from what I can tell.

Also none of the other moderators can help a user against a moderator. It must all go through that Feedback button.

If she's just complaining because a moderator got on to her about her actions in the chatroom, aka he was moderating her via whisper, then her complaint will fall on deaf ears.

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Mensaje Aministrator help 
Nonsense. Admin is very helpful and reasonable, there are a couple poor mods here. Just email Simon directly at: or Explain what happened and they will sort it out.


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