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Can't access site anymore
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Mensaje Can't access site anymore 
Mr or Mrs Admin--

I have been part of the faitfull devotees of this site for several months now. Been spreading the gospel and for the most part have thoroughly enjoyed myself and make some nice friends.

Problem is, I can't access site from home anymore. Now I know it isn't a site problem and I don't think it's a computer problem, so please help me understand why I am blocked.

If I am, what can i do to unblock? Please.

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Mensaje Hmmm 
If you have managed to post a comment here then you can aceess the site, but I am guessing from somewhere other than home. It is possible that your IP address has been blocked if you have been written abusive comments or been abusive in the chat room.

I suggest that you contact admin using the "feedback" form and give more details about what happens when you try to access the site.

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