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Who's Online
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Mensaje Who's Online 
I use the Who's Online fature a lot...It would be great if when you clicked on that, you got more information... If possible, it would be really nice to know if people are in caht or watching videos... And..If people are in chat...what room they were in...So... I could go and find my friends... I love the site...And...I love the chat rooms... If you can make this change...IT would just make it even better! Thanks! DCGent

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This would be great if they could implement it, but I got a feeling that is going to be a lot more difficult than it sounds. Unless every module that is used here is tied into a database of some sort and it is possible to somehow figure out who is accessing what module.

That said, if this DOES become an available feature, then I hope that they also include the ability to DISABLE it on a per-user basis. I can easily see this functionality being abused as trolls become stalkers. And considering that there is not enough control over who people automatically adding you to your friends list without your consent, that could be bad news. :-(

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OH, here *IS* a suggestion I'm sure can be easily tied in. How about making each users name on the Who's Online list a clickable link that takes you to their profile so you can watch their videos, read their blogs or leave them PMs? It would save me a few clicks ;-)

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