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Blogs agreement ?
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Lol Wiki, well that pretty much settles it!! Again, if there were not already places for pics and vids, then a blog with anything in it (the written word, pics, vids, etc.) would be one thing. But there are tabs for all those things (and if GIF's won't work there then perhaps the admins can fix that, but I doubt there is much demand for it). The original post was about pics and vids in the blog. I don't know what it says bout those who must post those anyplace and everyplace they can, outside the intended area.

As to what I post in the blog, if they want to make the blogs only sexually oriented then they should so state. And delete any posts that don't meet the criteria. But so far they haven't. It is easy to skip a written blog, click on the next one. That is what I do with the foreign language ones, since I can't understand them. Much harder to skip HUGE pics in the blog. What the eye has seen, it cannot unsee, though I wish it could.

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I can tell you that (except for the recent blogs by journojim) I skip over anything that has a picture. I go to the photo tab to see photos; to the video tab to see videos and when I go to blogs I go there to read. When a photo is attached I won't even read the blog. It's not why I'm there.
and Lori, keep posting :) You make my Fridays!!!

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Lil one you keep posting qt :) yours are the main reason i go to blogs and lisas also when she gets creative and posts. I have enjoyed many a good song i have never heard about, someones try at poems and even the dirty lil ditty by someone i know now and then. the blogs here used to be very creative and enjoyable but, to many pictures or vids kill it for me. I like the idea of a section for animated gifs. keep on keeping on lil one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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