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Whispers in chat
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I would prefer to have them. If don't want to chat with someone, I don't. Makes hard to get to know people in open chat.

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Mensaje Disable 
I agree with Saxon, whispers are a fertile ground for trolls and the chat is much better now that they are disabled

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Mensaje whispers 
i thinks whispers should definitely be available - for a number of reasons.

1) I like to be able to have private conversations! Immediately not via messages.
2) Yesterday I had to "listen" to the most boring conversation ever - now if that couple had been able to whisper it would have been SO much better.
3) You can always click on ignore if someone is a pest.

In real life, say at a party, there are private conversations which are not meant to be overheard - why should it be different on here. You don't really want to be heard saying "you are the prettiest/most handsome woman/man in the room" more than once!

I guess a perfect situation would be for everyone to have a permanent setting "ignore whispers" but until then I think whispers should be available and then use the ignore option.

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Hi, I certainly miss whisper, it does allow people to chat to an individual and get more "enjoyment" from that experience. If there are Persistent nuisances there should be a facility to bar them as an individual. Otherwise I think people will drift away to other sites where they can whisper, which would be a shame. Well thats my "six penuth worth" Smile

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Mensaje Re: whispers 
mrsJ escribió:
hello my name is mrsj and Im a closet whisperer. lol But seriously if the whisper tool is gone I will miss it a ton !! I dont think everyone wants to see me and friends catching up on day to day crap and I would prefer not to share it with EVERYONE. Maybe a room set up like the old chat is a possibility? I'm not sure, but I dont think i would be coming here as often if its like it is now. Well thats my 2 cents. Tthanks for all the thought and work u guys put into the site


I'm with Mrs J - or at least I wish I was. But seriously, if whisps are really such a big problem, then disable them. However I think lots of ppl will look elsewhere. Some things are best said in private, especially if you want to pass an email add across to a fellow chatter, or some other personal details. The ignore function is there for those who are offended by unwanted whispers, I've had occasion to use it, and it works well. Trolls can be dealt with by the mods, using the normal complaint system. This is an adult chat room, and if anyone isn't adult enough to respect another or accept "NO" then they don't belong here. But crippling an otherwise usable feature seems like overkill to me.


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Mensaje Originally posted in the wrong area...oops. :) 
I do not consider my message a true complaint; however, I do feel strongly enough about my opinion to post to the forum, an action I have never taken in yuvu.

Understanding that whispers can be tiresome, insulting, rude, and abusive for nor wanted by many, they can also be a vehicle for intimate communication and private discussion between friends. As one who does not cam, I cannot comment on the challenges those who do face. I do get whispers and I ignore them, but have only needed to use the iggy button once.

My time in yuvu is primarily to chat in the room, but I know that not having the option to whisper now and again is a feature that would greatly effect my relationship to the room, as I am a private person by nature. Yes, the PM window function is available, however, I know my time spent here would be limited if whispers are permanently removed.

I also understand that chat proved more active and engaging with whispers gone, but is troll chatter better than none? What is the goal of admin and the community? If chat is indeed a community, self policing is key, y'all. And when whispers have been abusive, I have watched individuals, groups, and mods work cooperatively to address the situation in a protective manner from which many "real life" communities could learn. Would a "non whisper" room serve a purpose just as the "okay to direct" room, does, at least on a trial basis?

Careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

My two cents, Nola.

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I didn't think the girls liked them. Guess I was wrong. So my vote is keep them.

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Mensaje the whisper debate 
I certainly appreciate the convenience that total transparency provides the women on this site, but I for one have no interest in sharing thoughts or responses to intimate questions (or even mundane for that matter) with the entire room. Nor do I care to have to read through a bevy conversations at what is now occassionally approaching light speed, many of which I don't feel comfortable even seeing. I'm not a programming genius so I'm not sure how practical these are.....but my suggestions would be:
- incorporate an option that allows users to choose whether they wish to receive whispers
- strengthen the ignore function to allow for permanent ignores rather than having to refresh the option every time a user enters the room

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as soon as i got unwanted whisps i'd ignore the user...stopped the problem for that session. It would be great if it could be implemented as a permanent ignore...

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Mensaje whispers 
as per my blog, i do believe there is a place for whispers and I do indeed use the function myself but it is true that when I cam it is absolutely impossible to keep up with the chat, most people that whisper to me when i cam are usually barking orders, its easily ignored but irritating none the less. If the function to disable whispers via options in the same way as private chats was available I think this would be a happy compromise admin, then its a choice rather than set in stone. This would stop people thinking i'm ignoring them and if they've got something worthwhile to say they can send a personal message rather than a whisper.

Hope this reflects my viewpoint but as I said my blog explains my opinion more fully.


Boband sue


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Mensaje Re: whispers 
evileye escribió:
I think whispers not working made the room more active. The downside Is having to read the same dickhead ask whatever lady is on cam to show her tits over and over.

LMAO hun!!!! Laughing

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Mensaje seemed easier to do it this way, hope it helps admin!!! 
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but the option to send/bombard someone with whispered messages has been removed. The mods say its temporary and they will be back, I just hope they change some settings.

Don't get me wrong there is a place for whispers, i use them all the time mainly to direct my online friends to amusing cams without offending the cammer(For example i'm sure Santa Claus was in Bens NS Basement last night and he said "good looking tits babe" to me which I personally feel was a little forward for a saint, but thanks anyway!!).

Whispers are, however, heavily abused by some users who use them to get around the clearly stated no directing rules. Whats the point of saying "please don't direct those on cam" then letting people post completely unmonitored messages. I can be happily chatting with online friends, maybe showing a bit of boobage, occasionally a bit more, when all of sudden a completely unsolicited whisper pops up saying "do you pee babe", I'm pretty sure any brave cammers have had this or worse done to them too. Well to answer the question...firstly, yes i do, it's a normal bodily function, secondly, the chances of me doing it on a live webcam in front of up to 200 relative strangers are extremely slim, in fact I don't think the supermarkets stock enough wine to get me drunk enough...and thirdly Bob would kill me 'cos it would ruin the couch!!! So yes I do and No I won't!!!

If whispers are gone its a shame but if they are to return please give people the option to ignore whispers, it can be done for private chats, and even for whole people!!!! so I can't see that there can be technical issues and I'm also sure more people would switch their cams on because in a busy room it is absolutely impossible to keep up with the chat and people actually accuse me of ignoring them because I don't reply to their whispers, all of which hardly enhances the otherwise very enjoyable yuvu experience.

I also don't like ignoring people just for whispering so if they tried and were told "this user is not accepting whispers"I'm sure people would understand and just use the normal chat, that is what its there for after all!!!.

I'm sure a lot of people will agree with this and, obviously, those guilty of "whisper bombardment"won't but if the yuvu gods are listening please take note of this blog and any(if any!!!!)comments.

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Request the return of the god Whisper ... our guide to the world of perversion that we all seek.
Let's talk he returned quickly.

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Mensaje ?? 
to whisp or not to whisp?


I have so many men who are shy about what we chat about ( Twisted Evil ) and thats why I like whispering, I am having time to think in there lately and that's no good for me.

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I want the whisper function back.

There are many times I do not want the rest of the room seeing what I am discussing with a chatter. I have discussed VERY private things with people and there is no way this can be done without the whispers. I also answer mod-related questions in whispers that cannot be broadcast to the room at large. Yes, a private box can be used but that takes away from the rest of chat in my opinion. Full attention cannot be paid to the room if there is another box (and sometimes several boxes) open on top of that. Not to mention the private boxes hide the cams!!!

The private boxes are a whole separate issue and should be dealt with separately.

The whispers serve a valuable function and for those who want it it should be there. Those that don't want it can ignore it and/or the whisperer himself.

Admin says the increased traffic in chat is an indication that getting rid of whispers is a good thing. I say, stick around in chat a bit and see what that traffic is. It's complaining that whispers are not there, it's hostile in there right now and not fun at all. The mods are being over worked because of the tension AND they are being blamed for the whispers disappearing even though we had nothing to do with it.

Please bring the whispers back.

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