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Subscriber section in chat?
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Mensaje Subscriber section in chat? 
Lets here it people......
The wife and I are down for it.

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Give us a little more information Billy...what exactly are you suggesting?

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LittleBitNaughty escribió:
Give us a little more information Billy...what exactly are you suggesting?

Just a section that Subscribers can go to and fuck or do what they want and have fun knowing that the person that has you docked is for real.. Seems that the general senses is people are getting tired of the lack of cams while in chat and the trolls that never give up.
We have had a couple punks capture live web cams in the past and this idea would eliminate all this.
Not saying change the chat room but just give the people that pay a place to feel secure.

"fucking edit"

If your a Subscriber then u would be able to get in

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I would not have a problem with having a separate chatroom for free subscribers and paid subscribers.

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Same here, good idea
Bet Melissa thought of it :)

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Crying or Very sad
I'm gonna miss you all

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Simple seahorse, make lots of films and get your index way up!

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It is a good idea, but don't forget our friends that don't have a subscription or are able to get one... I wont Wink

xoxox Exy

PS. Seahorse.... I'll still be there (((hug))) DS.

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i kinda see where you're coming from billy, but i dont quite see how because someone is a subscriber they are any more real and trustworthy than a non subscriber - some people gaining subscriptions through their yuvu index from vids may have got there thru ripping amatuer videos from elsewhere and are therefore even more devious than users that never go on cam that bother you and others so much. And anyone can use a credit card to be a paid subscriber

just because its a room full of subscribers does not mean anyone should let their guard down more than when its a free room open to non subscribers, and nor would it mean its a 'safer' environment in any way shape or form.

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some people gaining subscriptions through their yuvu index from vids may have got there thru ripping amatuer videos from elsewhere

This is very difficult to achieve. Few stolen videos make it through the net of the video moderators approval process, and those that do get denouced by the visitors usualy within hours of being up.

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I'm with Bellies.....Missy must have come up with the idea! Razz

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[quote="bigbellies"]Simple seahorse, make lots of films and get your index way up![/quote]

I guess I'm not gonna make my index high enough until my gf wants to do some vids with me. Let's admit it, it's hard for a man alone to get that amount of views. Not impossible, but hard.

Come on Exy!! It's gonne be the two of us alone... gonna have lots of fun!! (((hug back))) :D

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If Yuvutu did this, I would probably spend most of my time in the free subscribers chat room because most of my friends here are not paid subscribers. However, I'm all for giving paid subscribers the best experience for their money, and if an "elite" status chatroom does that, no skin off my nose :-)

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If i'm not mistaken KY, Billy is suggesting that a subscriber is a subscriber no matter how they come by it. Are you suggesting 2 seperate subscriber rooms??? One for those that have earned a subscription through uploading video's and a seperate one for those who paid for a subscription???? Seems a little reduntant....Just my 2 cents.

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No, right now in order to get into the chat room, you have to sign up for a free non-paying membership. IIRC Billy is suggesting a chatroom only for those who are paying for it (or have earned it). I'm perfectly fine with a seperate chatroom for those individuals, but I wouldn't want to see the chatroom go away for those who who cannot afford a subscription or whose contributions do not earn them a free one.

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