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There are 5 rooms that can be used by speakers of english already!!

straight english
and the gay room.


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Why just a USA room ? i find those overseas to be very fun and interesting to chat with :) Proud American here but think the idea is a bit snobbish lol,

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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JustJelly escribió:
There are 5 rooms that can be used by speakers of english already!!

straight english
and the gay room.


I think the intent was a room for USA only, geographic specific, not a reference to the language spoken. Put me down with the OP, a room for USA only.

The site is already exclusionary, "straight" English being the biggest example (in fact it is double exlusionary: sexual orientation and language). The mature room being another that is exclusionary (by age).

90% of the grief I get are from those outside the USA, cultural differences are real, like it or not. To have a geographic specific room doesn't mean anyone is any better than anyone, or snobbish, particularly in light of the exclusivity already exhibited in some of the other chat rooms. I have traveled a good bit, been to England, Scotland, Wales, Mexico and 21 (I think) of the 50 states. I have friends on this site, and in real life (I mean people I have actually met, not the pitiful e-relationships so often seen), in England, Germany, and Australia. So I don't feel I'm the "ugly American."

And Saxon, there would still be rooms where you can talk to those overseas (hopefully you are not being exclusionary toward those from Canada, Mexico, and South America, since they are not overseas). Did you speak out on the "mature" room? Surely you want to be able to talk to some who are under 40 don't you? Oh, wait, you still can. In the other rooms. The same would hold true were there geographic specific rooms. I think that is part of the reason for the friends list thingy.

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Mensaje ?? 
There are 5 rooms that can be used by speakers of english already!!

straight english
and the gay room.

ummm all the above named rooms are multi lingual no set word is set except straight english . Um to add a room for USA , UK , CAN , MEX, GER, RUS, FRA, Guam etc etc ..... country or lets go deeper new mexico , tejas , fl , or diffrent areas of uk ffs could have rooms from hell and why ??????????? i just think to make any one room a usa , can , germ room is not right, do not get it .......................... Did not think this would be a issue just expressed a thought :) as did you lori huggzzzzzzzzzz

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Saxon, do you duck when you here the whooooshing sound or just totally unaware, lmao. Not sure what you mean an issue, everyone is expressing thoughts, but some don't hold water!

Since connect the dots didn't work, let's approach this with a parable. Once upon a time there was a guy who wanted to open a chain of motorcycle shops. He could choose one country. He got out a globe and spun it around and around. On there he saw the USA with 307 million people and he saw say (as you did) Guam with less than 200,000. Where would the better choice for his chain of motorcycle shops be?

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lori_anne escribió:
Saxon, do you duck when you here the whooooshing sound or just totally unaware, lmao. Not sure what you mean an issue, everyone is expressing thoughts, but some don't hold water!

Since connect the dots didn't work, let's approach this with a parable. Once upon a time there was a guy who wanted to open a chain of motorcycle shops. He could choose one country. He got out a globe and spun it around and around. On there he saw the USA with 307 million people and he saw say (as you did) Guam with less than 200,000. Where would the better choice for his chain of motorcycle shops be?

erhm the UK??? Laughing

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I can only hope if I am ever shot at, it is by one of you. You all miss the point, lol. Very Happy Very Happy

And stu, the parable was a bike shop. Had it been a pub, then the better choice would have been the UK I think.

But hey, I'm out, it wouldn't happen anyway. Back to straight english, the lot of you!

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Mensaje smiling deeply! 
Have I told you all lately how much I love each and every one of you???

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If that would be showing your love with smiles and boobie then NO :p

Lori sorry Im bad I was using monty humour Very Happy

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