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edit to profile
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Mensaje edit to profile 
Admin could we possibly have the option on our profiles to show or not show how many 'profile views' we have had? It could be just like the options of the other items we can show or not show on our profile. I'd love to have this option.

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hmmmmm .....
look on your profile....
on the right under your name it says ........

profile ... views ....... this wot you mean ????

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Didn't mean to be confusing...I meant could we have the option to show or not show this feature. I would also like the option to show or not show when user was last in site.

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Hi Lisa,

I like this idea and also the facility to see WHO has viewed your profile? ...... That could be cool, seeing who was interested enough to look and then checking their profiles out etc ....

I can understand that some people may want privacy regarding what they look at etc but I think it also has good networking possibilities. Rolling Eyes

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Mensaje i agree minx 
being able to see who had visite recently would be a definite bonus, checking to see if similar interests were present could be a boon.

keep up the good work


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Mensaje Re: i agree minx 
adgjl escribió:
being able to see who had visite recently would be a definite bonus, checking to see if similar interests were present could be a boon.

keep up the good work


LOL, see who's constantly perving over you more like?

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Mensaje Lol Wet 
I see your point however; surely the possibility of identifying and connecting with people wwho have similar interests to yourself outweighs the perve factor. Although, in that situation would it not be better to know who is visiting a little too often rather than not know at all? I think I for one would rather know than not. Opinions anybody?

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Mensaje Great idea 
Great idea. I would love to know who's looking at my profile and checking me out.

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