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Hieroglyphs in the chat
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Mensaje Hieroglyphs in the chat 
The messages of some users appear as hieroglyphs on my screen, actually some special characters, but no Latin letters. It's a font problem. Somebody had used Marlet as his font. I could read his messages when he changed to Arial.

Normally a system should use a fallback font. Nowadays special character should never have the same code as letters, no matter which font you use. I never have such problems with normal HTML web pages. Probably either Flash or the chat software is buggy.

I use Mac OS X 10.5.8 PPC and usually Firefox latest version (currently 3.6.12) with Flash Player.plugin Version: Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85

The issue was already there with the old chat version, it remains in the new version.

Could you admins take care of this problem?


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