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Shocking truth about swinging in Britain

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Mensaje Shocking truth about swinging in Britain 
Shocking truth about swinging in Britain ELLIE WHITE

Published: 16 Feb 2009
Add a comment (39) GROWING numbers of Brits are being drawn into the seedy world of wife swapping.
Nearly TWO MILLION UK couples are said to have tried swinging and another SIX MILLION say they would like to, according to a new survey.

The biggest increase is in couples in their 20s and 30s, says the report from research company

To find out what drives them to swap partners, The Sun talked to two couples who have become regulars at private swinging clubs.

Emma Morgan, 29, and Steven Green, 27, from Harlow, Essex, have been together - and swinging - for eight months.

Steven is an electrician and Emma a part-time model. She has two daughters aged eight and 11 from a previous relationship.

Emma says: "I've always been interested in swinging and used to go to clubs on my own before I met Steven. But now it's something we enjoy doing together.

I like to play with a different couple every time... I like variety / Emma
"In two marriages my exes made out they were OK with me swinging - but it always led to jealousy."

Emma told Steven from the start that she liked swinging.

She says: "He wasn't fazed at all. He thought it was great.

"There's no jealousy. We're best mates and trust each other 100 per cent.

"Everything happens in the same room, it's not like we're going behind each others' backs.

"We play once or twice a month. I get a babysitter for the girls and we head up to La Chambre, a club in Sheffield.

"I first got into swinging through the internet - there are so many swinging websites.

"But I prefer going to a club because you can meet couples properly and socialise before you play.

"I always approach women first. If we get on, Steven and her partner watch us together, then they join in.

"Steven loves watching me with other women - it's every man's fantasy!

"Then he'll have sex with me or the other woman and I'll have sex with her partner, called a full swap. Sometimes we stick to a soft swap, which is just foreplay.

"I like to play with a different couple every time - I like variety.

"Sometimes we play with one couple, sometimes two.

"We do it as a couple, we include each other the whole time.

"Our sex life is great anyway but swinging has made it better than ever."

Emma will go with women and men I go with other women. Often

Steven says: "When Emma first mentioned swinging to me I was pretty sceptical.

"But when she explained what went on and that I could watch her with other girls and have no-strings sex with other women, I was sold!

"Swinging is a different sort of sex to the kind you have with the person you love and we both know that.

"We do all sorts of stuff - it's never the same night twice. The only stipulation I have is that I don't go with other men.

"Emma will go with women and men, I go with other women. Often, we have threesomes.

"We made a pact that we both have to fancy the girl."

Steven and Emma always chat afterwards about what they got up to.

He says: "We have a real laugh about it, it's important not to take it too seriously.

"My parents have no idea what Emma and I get up to.

"If they found out my dad would shake my hand but my mum would be horrified as she's quite old-fashioned.

"My mates all know. At first they were shocked but when I explained what goes on they all became interested!

"Now there are a few who have asked to come along with us next time we go.

"Some people are disgusted and think what we do is wrong, but I've no idea why. We're both adults and we enjoy it - and we're not hurting anyone."

Colin and Gina Sparke have been married for four years - and swinging for two.

They run Liberty Elite, a swingers' club in Sheffield. Gina, 37, has two *****, aged six and eight, from another relationship while Colin, 39, has a son, 14, and daughter, 18.

Gina says: "I worked in Liberty Elite for five years before I plucked up the courage to give swinging a go.

"I always worked during the day doing the books so I never saw anything that went on by night. When I finally took a look it was a revelation.

"I had a few swinging experiences before I met Colin, usually threesomes.

"When I met Colin in a local pub and told him where I worked, he was shocked.

"After a few weeks, though, he became curious and came for a drink to see what the club was like.

"People are so lovely and he got on so well with everyone he decided he'd like to try it. I was ecstatic!"

They took it very slowly and decided to really get to know each other before they became more adventurous.

Run a swinging club ... Colin and Gina Sparke

Gina says: "At first I was worried Colin could prefer another woman to me - perhaps someone else would have a better body or be better in bed.

"Every time we play now we discuss everything - that way no one can get hurt.

"If another man does something to me that I like, I tell Colin and he 'learns' from it. And vice versa.

"Now I don't get insecure about other women and whether he prefers them to me.

"At the end of the day, it's me he loves and goes home with.

"It does bother me a bit about my girls finding out but at the moment they're too young.

"Nobody outside the club scene really knows - I certainly don't tell the mums at the ***** gate."

Colin says: "When Gina told me she worked at a swingers' club I told her she'd never get me involved.

"I thought it was seedy and weird and, having had a strict religious upbringing, I thought it was immoral too.

"Then she persuaded me to go for a drink with her and just see what it was like - and I haven't looked back since.

"The first time was strange but I got used to it pretty quickly and now Gina and I are in a nice routine.

"We play with the same couples, who are also very good friends - we are incredibly choosy.

"We do different things every time we meet up. There is no planning and there is no script.

"Sometimes we do a soft swap - everything except intercourse - and other times we full swap.

"A large chunk of my family, including my parents, don't talk to me any more because they don't agree with swinging.

"I never wanted to lie to them about it so I told them - but it backfired.

"I've told my ***** and they're fine with it. I sat them down, explained what swinging is and about the club and showed them the website.

"They see it as something that is private to Gina and myself, something that has nothing to do with our family life.

"The people who say it's wrong are usually the ones having secret affairs.

"Swinging is safe - it's all out in the open and there's no chance of splitting up families or partners with lies or cheating.

"Most people see someone else they fancy every once in a while.

"Swinging is a way of getting those feelings out in the open without ripping families apart.

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I would love to try (if i knew the rules) and where the sites are in Derby. x

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