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Counter working in reverse
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Mensaje Counter working in reverse 
Hits counter on our account is working backwards. Yesterday we lost 30000 hits, today another 6000. Somebody please do something before we get into negative hits .... which is pretty demotivating!!

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Mensaje Re: Counter working in reverse 
wetmilf escribió:
Hits counter on our account is working backwards. Yesterday we lost 30000 hits, today another 6000. Somebody please do something before we get into negative hits .... which is pretty demotivating!!

Hi wetmilf,

If your YUVUTU index decreases, this means that the views on your videos / photos / profile are more than 6 months.
This '6 months' rule has been implemented to encourage people to upload some new content.

I checked your profile, and the videos that you have posted in january are now more than six months, so it's normal.

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Happens to us all.. Mine's gone down from over 90k to 11 now.. cos I removed my pics and vids :)


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