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Addicted to Yuvutu Chat Support Group
Are you addicted to Yuvutu Chat?

Yes 73% 73% ( 11 )
No 13% 13% ( 2 )
Only when I drink 6% 6% ( 1 )
My husband convinces me to be there 0% 0% ( 0 )
I googled midget clown porn and found this forum post. Whoops! 6% 6% ( 1 )

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Mensaje Addicted to Yuvutu Chat Support Group 
Are you addicted to Yuvutu chat?
Do you find that when you're not in Yuvutu chat, you're thinking about how much fun you're missing?
Do real people make you want to cry?

If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, you may be a Yuvutu chat addict.

Since I don't actually know how to fix this addiction, lets post about why we're addicted to chat. Maybe through group confessions we can somehow help one another. Like a cyber hand job. So why are you in there? What seems to be working well in there? What aspects of the chat do you dislike? If you were to change one thing about the chat room what would it be?

Happy masturbation,


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My name is Minx and I'm a porn room chat addict!!

I like the randomness of chat here and the equally randomness of the other members haha ..... When I couldn't get into here due to the upgrade for six weeks I really missed the place and several people I was not expecting to, sent me msgs here asking if I was okay etc. It showed me that actually there IS a community here even if the majority are only masturbating members.

Yes there are also things here that wind me up but on the whole, good beats bad by far ...... that's why I'm hooked Shocked

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