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suggest:"user option desactivate ranks, rates, stars&am
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Mensaje suggest:"user option desactivate ranks, rates, stars&am 
Hello i am an amateur exhibitionist who upload sometimes my files...well (excuse me my english).
First, i want to tell i am not voayer, then really i dont give relevance about the posibily no get an free suscription, cause i am exhibitionist get fun share my stuffs, no need competions whit another users, cause i am happy how i am, and no need compare whit somebody, cause all can be perfect depend who look ,[i] for variety of preferences exist colors[/i]

But i understand another like stars, rates, rakings, and understand too this an web entertainment, but this innocent game, use some people for get positions rate down a lot stuffs frome a lot users or stalk another , or disturb any way at another no like ( i hope this understand how use someone) ..this then i dislike cause in game that = to cheat.

By another hand understand cover the mechanism ..but amateur upload files for get enjoy, we existit too and no is very nice when somebody upload stuffs very intamicy , must endure stalkers, crazy people and this kind thing..cause ok is an game, but is our image! and an unknow juzgue who is good or bad, ..well i told is an game, no is relavance, but not only for me, at anybody like even if it be ugly , listen or read or watch , an unknow say this...

I guess, is only an suggest, must exist at least the possibility turning off ranks, stars that things, when someone harasses you feel, like an way to stop this kind people no come to share for get fun.

This my suggest, and excuse me for my english , could be written in Spanish, cause my english no is good, but i know is an lenguage can understand the most user another countries and give any opinion about.Thanks very much for read at every one , and i hope amateur people give any opinion about this theme.
Thanks :)

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