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Upload issue
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Mensaje Upload issue 

i'm getting internal server error when uploading... tried twice now.

Something wrong?


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Mensaje u/l error 
I get that if the video file is too big hun, I tried to u/l a 130mb file and kept getting the server error right at the end, I, or rather Bob!!!, edited it down to 60mb and it went up first time. If its a long video cut it in two and upload part one and part 2, hope this helps.



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@bobandsue: thx for the tip. Re-ecoded the video to make it a bit smaller, and uploaded perfect now.

@pavelzxukk: HUH?

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Mensaje issue 
happy to help, yuvu say 50mb is the max advised, we normally get away with up to 70mb without issues though.

Can't wait to watch it now!!!! :D

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