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Mensaje hello 
hello all,

have had an account since quite a while now that i am planning to reactivate.
i've started posted a vid, i understand it takes a while to encode/validate, but also a profile pic which still hasnt been approved yet since hours.
what are the average validating time for both pics and vids? (was just wondering if i did something wrong :P)



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I posted a vid and it took a few hours yesterday. Still waiting for my second one to be validated but it seems that the average is between 2 and 24 hours?

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thanks for your answer candycrush, again up to 24 hours for a vid seems quite reasonnable, but i'm quite surprised my avatar and pic posted still didnt come up after 4/5 hours...

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No worries, I'm new too.

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steffaniels escribió:
thanks for your answer candycrush, again up to 24 hours for a vid seems quite reasonnable, but i'm quite surprised my avatar and pic posted still didnt come up after 4/5 hours...

video approved .. great!

Please, be patient for your picture, there is a problem with approvals.

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Do you know when the issue with pics may be fixed Glory75?

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