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The First Time I Shared The Bar Girls With Friends.
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Mensaje The First Time I Shared The Bar Girls With Friends. 
Some of the best nights I had as a bartender were the nights I shared my work with friends.

For those of you that have followed my work for these last few years, you can probably already guess that I was a pretty busy guy back then. I mean it, I was doing so much shit, I hardly ever slept. I had *****, I had my job as a bartender that thankfully allowed me to land so many girls over those few years, and thanks to the bartending, I had girls, lots and lots of them! This didn’t leave a ton of time to hang with my guy friends outside of work, but it did happen from time to time. I was really so focused on getting girls to come home and fuck every night I actually lost track of most of the guys I had become friends with my freshman year of college, but a few of them stuck around and I managed to make a few more at work, although again, I hardly ever hung out with any of them outside of work. Of course, there was Larry my roommate, and he certainly was a friend, but he was more of a business partner, producer, and wing man once we started taping some of my conquests.
Anyway, I did still sometimes find the time to go to parties, or even have them at the apartment, and later the house we rented. Usually it was when I was burnt out on the girls, and a lot of the ones I remember throwing seemed to take place right after a girl “Dumped me” and I was taking a week or so off before trying to find a good replacement. These nights usually started at the bar, and would up with a few very wasted dudes finding their way back to my place to drink some more before heading home as the sun rose. I could spend an hour describing these college aged parties, but to sum it up… Drinking, shit talking, drinking more, shit talking, laughing, more drinking and then sunrise.
Its hard to remember exactly when the first time I broke out a video of one of the girls, but I’m going to guess it was a little over a year into my days as a “Porn star”, as I remember having quite a few tapes to choose from when the night finally arrived. What I do remember is how I ended up showing that first tape to a room full of crazy college aged dudes.
We were sitting around the room chugging drinks, smoking funny things, and talking shit like all guys that age do, and of course there was a lot of trash talking going on about various girls we all knew as well. Many of the guys there that night were co-workers and it was always common to rate the waitresses as well as the regular customers on looks and bodies. This night was no exception, and we were having a great time going into great detail on some of these chicks. At some point a co-worker of mine started talking with me at about one of the newer waitresses. I don’t recall his exact words, but I’m sure if you can remember that time in life, he was probably talking about how he was wanting to hook up with her, you know, talking the usual shit guys talk about when they are in a group, wasted and day dreaming. These guys knew I was a player, and they knew I left the bar with a lot of girls, but they had no idea what else I was up to.
I sat there listening, and joking with these guys sometimes commenting on the ones that I’d fucked, until one of them brought up Tara. She was an Indian girl that had started working at the bar about 2 months ago, and I’d already had her. Her rail thin body, b cup tits and dark compaction had made her a real catch. My friend blurted out something to the effect of “I’d love to fuck that bitch so bad”, and when I mentioned that I already had, he paused for a second or so, looks me in the eyes and called bullshit, telling me that there was no fucking way I fucked her, or half the other chicks I had been saying I’d fucked. The other guys hearing this challenge, also started in with the “Bullshit” stuff and I remember just sitting there listening to them all. I was really an odd feeling. I knew I could prove it, and I knew I really didn’t care if they believed me, but so some reason, I started to feel the pressure to do just that, so after listing to them go on for a few minutes as I tried to convince them with my stories of conquest, I’m finally blurted out “Fuck it, I can prove it!” Of course, as you can imagine, the chants of “Bullshit” got 1000 times more intense as they fake raged for proof all while laughing it up. They never thought in a million years I could actually prove anything, and if I’d just left it at that, the night would have gone on in no time.
But I couldn’t let it go. I genuinely didn’t know if I should do it, but being wasted and surrounded by non-believers egging me on, I decided to genuinely say fuck it, and headed down the hall to my room to grab a VHS tape. Once I was in my room, I remember if feeling silent. I started at the open drawer full of tapes and almost stopped myself from reaching in, but the moment passed, the sound in the room came back, and I reached in. It took me a while to find the right one as there were at least 20 of them at that point and labels were sometimes done, but not always accurate since the tapes would often get taped over and reused for other nights. I finally found one that had “Tara” written on it over “Karen”. Tara was the Indian girl that worked at the bar for maybe 1 month when she was kind/stupid enough to come over after work one night. I fucked her a few times, over a 2-week span, but she was already no longer returning my calls. I didn’t know what night I had grabbed, or if it was even going to be Tara on the tape, but it turned out the tape I grabbed was her first time over, and those first times were always some of the best as I usually went all in to see what they would do.
I headed back down to the living room and found that many of them had moved on with the conversation. It was only when I turned on the TV, popped in the tape and hit rewind that the conversation came back to the waitress. I vividly remember my heart racing as I waited for the tape to finish rewinding. The guys behind me were still talking huge amounts of shit attempting to call my bluff, but then the moment of truth arrived as the VCR snapped to a stop and I made that final choice to press play.
At some time around 4am, that fateful night, the first tape I ever shared with anyone other than Larry spun to life as an image of Tara, a smoking hot tiny titted Indian waitress sprang to life on the TV.
It was like I had a mute button for the room, and I’d just hit it. The room turned silent for the first minute or two, as the scene began to unfold. That night with Tara I wasted little time. In those first few minutes, I had her pealed out of her work outfit, exposing every inch of her dark-skinned body to the camera. Although the tape is lost to history, I remember it well as that moment seems burned into my brain. I waited for another minute until her body was lying flat and no longer fully visible before fast forwarding to “The good part” stopping seconds before I entered her for the first time.
I stepped back just as the guys leaned closer into the 26-inch console TV and watched as they watched me begin to “Prove it” right on the screen. After the initial shock began to wear off, and a bit slowly at first, there were the comments…. “Holy shit”, “Fucken A”, “Look at that shit”, and a hundred more started to pour out. I myself was in a state of immediate regret, not knowing if these guys would tear my averaged size cock apart verbally, or mock my every move as I plowed into Tara missionary style before flipping her over for some cowgirl action. She, like all the girls I brought home acted shy and timid, but soon I was going at her from every angle. As the video kept playing, I waited for the verbal assault to start, but they didn’t. Slowly my heart began to beat again as I realized that these guys actually loved it.
This was years and years before the internet was really a thing, Home videos like this were virtually non-existent, Amateur porn was still made with paid actors that had to be rented from a store, and no one had ever seen a girl they knew getting fucked, or even heard of it. To make it even more intense, these guys all worked with Tara so this very private video of her becoming a “Pornstar” was magic, and the connection was very real indeed. It took until about halfway through that clip before that initial shock and awe really started to wear off. Then after downing another round of drinks while the tape played, they really started to comment on it.
In front of us, the TV continued to show a very reluctant and inexperienced Tara getting put through the paces as I moved her around the bed, fucking her this way and that. At this point in time, I had almost mastered the art of filming them. I took my time with well-practiced moves to show her off to the camera. Since it was Tara’s first time, she still being shy and a little timid, but she was putting on quite a show. Cowgirl became face down, and that became missionary again, the side fucked so I could see those tits bouncing, and then another spot, and another. I could tell whenever I was nearing a cumshot just by watching, as I’d stop and kiss her for a while before flipping her around again. She didn’t have a lot of experience when she got to my place, but I certainly gave her plenty that night.

The guys were all as hooked by it as Larry always was. I think it’s that connection of seeing a girl they knew doing everything they ever imagined they would do with here if they had the chance. The tape went on for a good 40 minutes, and after I had finally pulled out and jizzed on her, we got up to shower, it was over, with the tape showing an empty room. They unfocused their attention from the TV and started asking questions about what they had just seen.
But, before I had really gotten around to even beginning to explain the whole thing to them, they, and I were interrupted by the TV flickering as the video ended and then slowly another new picture appeared out of the VHS static. Another girl was hopping into bed, and this time it was Sarah, a girl well known to the crew I hung out with. The crew knew I’d been banging her on and off for a few months and she had a bit of a reputation as a pain in the ass to everyone at the bar, so shouts and laughter ensued as the night continued. The tape kept running in the background as we talked, the conversation ebbing and flowing as Sarah took it in all three holes over another shorter 20-minute night. Seeing her take it in the ass brought an entirely new level to the conversation, as I called their attention to the TV right before I plunged in that first time. The room fell silent again as the voice of Sarah traveled around the room complaining that we’d just done it the night before, and to use more lube as I furiously pumped away at her ass from behind. Then the laughter and comments picked back up, but every now and again they would pause when she let out a nice moan, or when she complained about something and then they’d laugh, before slowly going back to talking shit about her. This went on long enough for my “Episode” with her to end with an anal creampie something that I remember bringing up a lot of comments. “You came in her?!”, and “Dude that was fucking sweet!” as the video followed her leaving the well-lit room to the shower. More drinks and more smoke filled the room as the tape flickered one last time and once more into another “Scene”. This one finding us at yet another night with another girl, although this one was already in mid stride when it came onto the screen as it was one that had been mostly taped over.
Still, the guys got to watch the last few minutes of a nearly silent and bent over Mandy, a girl that none of them knew, taking a very har and very fast plowing of her ass. After a few minutes, another anal creampie, and Mandy crumpled to the sheets to lay there until the tape ran out. When the tape stopped, the party continued.

That first night didn’t end until after 8am, as a bunch of now horny drunk guys stumbled out into the morning light to head home to bed. I had shown them videos of at least 5 of the girls, and some of them more than one video of them. I wasn’t able to find more of Tara, but there were other requests that I was able to fill. Beth, and the curly haired blond that had worked with us but were now gone got some air time, and there were others I’m sure. By 6:30 or so the questions had ended, except for requests to see more of certain girls. The entire night had become an X-rated version of Mystery Science Theater 3000. These guys were the peanut gallery, and along with me, we talked up and down each girl and graded their performance. They compared tits, bush, ass, sucking skills, anal, and all the rest you can think of. They couldn’t believe it all. They had asked 100 questions about filming, and had all sworn they were going to do it too. It was nuts. I had somehow taken a dare and turned it into a great night. Some of them wanted to borrow tapes, and I refused, but I offered to show them anytime they wanted to stop by. I *** you not, some of them did. Some of them wanted to see co-workers getting fucked, especially the bitches, Some wanted to see more of one particular girl, and some just wanted to watch porn, a task that wasn’t easy in the late 90’s

These full-fledged parties however only happened maybe 5 or 6 more times over the next 2 ½ years. Usually these were drunken laugh fests as these guys spent the evening rating and berating these girls and myself. I never brought the tapes up at these gatherings, it was always one or more of them that mentioned it, and I think that is all that I needed to know about it. They really did like to watch me fuck!

My former college dorm roommate “Tim” was one of those guys there that first night, and we shared a bond from our time as roomies. Of all the people that eventually saw my work, he was the one that really got into it the most. He eventually made it a habit of coming over more and more often, and always managed to bring up my tapes in no time… I think he was always stopping by just to check out my latest “work”. I never had a problem popping one in and hitting play while we hung out to drink or whatever, and so by the time I got married in late 2000, he had seen maybe 60 to 70% of my work. While he rarely commented on the action, he sure liked to talk about the girls. He even went so far as to date and later on fuck one of the girls he had really enjoyed watching.

So, I got married in 2000, and tossed at least 40 tapes when we moved in together. It was just so much shit. 4 huge boxes, and I knew I couldn’t hide them forever. I was fucking stupid, and to follow up on that, I was so stupid that I didn’t even sort the tapes. I just picked up two of them and tossed them without ever opening them. The collection seemed endless and I was moving on with my life. The other 40 or so I hid, in a large box and a smaller one, and they sat there in the garages and attics of the places I lived until 2008 when I got divorced, mostly forgotten, and never once viewed in those 7 ½ years. Late one night, a newly single, lonely older version of the bartender opened that box, and began the process of salvaging the nights they held. Popping a tape in of a girl you haven’t seen or thought of in 10 years or so was intense. Much like those guys back in the day, my heart stopped as I watched Sarah climb in a long-gone bed. I watched and ended up staying up all that night, even calling out of work the next day to continue the journey. Sadly, many of those first ones I grabbed, and some of the best by far were already ruined. Most of the pure VHS tapes were shot, while a few of them worked well enough to grab parts of the videos from them. The 8MM stuff did a bit better and that is why a lot of what I post is in night vision. It wasn’t long before I started converting what was left to digital and then finally got a computer that was fast enough to edit video. In no time I was sharing clips online and every now and again, I still do. That same rush is there when I read your comments on my work, so please continue to comment when you see one of my works. It doesn’t matter If its trash talking the girls, or gushing over them I love to hear the comments!
I still had over 60 nights, or at least good portions of them from 2008 until early 2014 when a hard drive crash took 2/3rds of what was left. A lot of great nights are gone forever except in my memories, but I still have few beauties left.
Anyway, that’s the story of my first time sharing my videos and it was great. I still talk with Tim every now and then and he always manages to bring them up. He even came to visit back in late 2018 and we sat around like old times watching a few of the girls we once knew. To some that may see strange, but to us, it’s part of history.

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