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Lame yuvutu
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Mensaje Re: Lame yuvutu 
I agree with some of the points your'e making, but to be honest..... if you see that the vid is only seconds long, than just dont bother watching it. With the video content, I think some of the video uploaders should just put a short description. Anything lenghty and sexy is too much of a bother because you just want to get turned on instantly. I like short and sweet descriptions. Anything longer than a few sentences is considered bloggling, lol.

Flash me your ink and I shall flash you my tits!
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I agree

if you see that the vid is only seconds long, than just dont bother watching it.

I dont but the only way to filter the stuff is by searching - i like to browse open minded and look at the picture to decide what i am going to watch - also means 9 times out of 10 i dont see videos i have already seen.

Anything longer than a few sentences is considered bloggling, lol.

co-sign lol

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Hey, if I come across a video clip that is under 30 seconds, then I tend to think of it as an advertisement for some other site. Also, some folks are simply breaking up one video to make the pieces easier to watch.

Still, the choice is ours to either watch or don't watch. I like having that option myself and not controlled by admin.

As a matter of fact, I just watched a clip of a sexy women with a nice clit that lasted about 20 seconds. I would've been disappointment to have that one removed for its length.

No. Admin should not screen authentic video clips for length and leave this choice up to the users. How hard could it be to simply NOT watch a short video? Do you really need Admin's help with that?

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Thanks dwayne, we agree with you that we dont think it should be our role to screen videos on the basis of quality and length. Such decisions should be left to the public through rating and comments. We do block ridiculously short videos (less than 5 seconds or where picture quality is unwatchable).

lastly you should rememebr that this is a community site as well as a video site. What might be considered a crap 15 second video, is still useful information for anybody looking up someone's profile,

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